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Tigerfootball 04-27-2009 05:33 PM

That sucks man. time for a stake out.... with a tire iron

ZumnRx8 04-27-2009 05:45 PM


Razz1 04-27-2009 06:01 PM

too bad you can't sleep in the car, but you can certainly sleep in your friends van that is parked behind the 8.

You know it happens early morning. Don't be a sleepy head. Good Luck.

kersh4w 04-27-2009 07:24 PM

yeah, on wednesday i think i'll be looking into gun stores for a beretta 92f, might as well get the gun im going to qualify with.

i ordered the shock sensor for the OEM alarm. it'll be here wednesday. i'll probably be putting up flood lights or cameras on that day too.

i just had replacement tires put on the car. $423 to replace the two rears. gieco is going to cover $110 of that, supposedly. $55 for the shock sensor. $100 for the cameras. $650 for the beretta? this asshole is costing me a lot of money. and more importantly to me, peace of mind.

as it is, im setting my alarm early tonight and i'll keep a watch on the morning hours. i have my air rifle, but as long as its semi-dark it should look legit. (gamo 220) and as i really dont have any intention of shooting anyone it works just as well. since its pretty hefty, the rifle butt makes a pretty decent melee weapon. so lets hope i dont wind up in the hospital tomorrow morning.

this is stupid.

rotary369 04-27-2009 08:39 PM

good luck.. hope that bitch winds up in the hospital tomorrow morning... or in the hands of cops.. that works too lol

bose 04-27-2009 08:54 PM

Sucks that they are fucking with your car man. Stop screwing other people gf's and it might stop.

Transam kid 01 04-27-2009 08:59 PM

Originally Posted by bose (Post 2991859)
Sucks that they are fucking with your car man. Stop screwing other people gf's and it might stop.

Hmmm....sounds like you have something to tell him :spank:


bose 04-27-2009 09:11 PM

If he could screw my gf from Maryland to Utah I would have to give him props then I would call Ripley's Believe it or Not

ferg 04-27-2009 09:14 PM

so who's the girl?

newguy 04-27-2009 09:34 PM


nycgps 04-27-2009 10:50 PM

wtf? Again ?

wow. That person REALLY hates you !

Stop fuxking other people's gf man ... seriously ...

myriadshalaks 04-27-2009 11:02 PM

NOOOOOO. that sucks, man.

Detrich 04-28-2009 12:00 AM

suxors... sorry to hear about what happened...

did both times happen around the same time? are you able to establish a pattern? if so, a stake out might do the trick.

XlYesterdaYlX 04-28-2009 11:30 AM

that sucks...but i dont know why they left those bottles at the top lol...

Detrich 04-28-2009 01:02 PM

the bottles seem like an exclamation point- meaning it was deliberate.

if u remember if they hit around the same time, then do a stake out... but, be prepared and have a few ppl with you and have a plan as how to detain them without hurting them. (u don't want a lawsuit or criminal charges for harming them.)

post the video once u nab the fuckers so we can enjoy the bust.

Ace of Spade757 04-28-2009 01:24 PM

Damn bro, hope you catch them. Check into the local car shops, though. Maybe someone will start snickering when you walk in and give themselves up.

Mugatu 04-28-2009 01:25 PM

You might also consider picking up a cheap cover for the car.

at least that is an extra step that the vandals need to overcome that they will either have to skip because it's troublesome, or add time to their crime and give you better odds of catching them.

kersh4w 04-28-2009 01:39 PM

if it happens again, i'll just park at my friends house a few blocks over. nice morning jog and what not.

i slept light tonight and checked every few hours, especially the morning hours. no show.

but thats a good thing.

and im pretty sure i know who it is. its the son of this jamaican family that lives down the street. they are piss poor and just very disagreeable people in general. their father (who is a tool too) does his oil changes and im sure he does not dispose of the oil properly. we've never got a long, and one time i caught one of the boys (boys being relative, he is 20something) taking pictures of my ex-gf when she would get out of her car whenever she'd wear a short skirt. lets say i had some choice words to say about that. the father kept telling me its not illegal to take pictures, i kept telling him harassment was illegal and i'd call the cops next time it happened. that nearly ended in a fist fight. that was over a year ago however. but just goes to show.. the family is a bunch of asshats.

Atilla 04-28-2009 01:44 PM

Ok...so you've located a possible suspect...

now move on to step 2 of your plan :suspect:

May i suggest "Atilla's 3 step plan to Success"?? :)


kersh4w 04-28-2009 01:47 PM


this is twisted, but im hoping nothing happens to them. LIKE THEIR HOUSE ACCIDENTALLY BURNING DOWN. because it would get pinned on me.

RIWWP 04-28-2009 01:47 PM

I feel for you man, dealing with similar crap myself. Passive non-stop Surveillance is the way to go. My entire yard / driveway will be covered in non-stop video shortly. If you go with the wireless camera option, see if you can get a solid signal putting the camera in your 8 looking out one of the two rear door windows (whichever makes sense for the previous pourings). Face shot right up on them is the way to go. Another option from cheap radioshack components is putting together a motion detector wired to an air horn or something. Scare the piss out of them when they get close.

Originally Posted by Shaftski (Post 2990539)
Personally, in this situation, I would not worry about the dog. It takes an especially sick type of individual to willingly hurt an animal. Going from dumping oil/slashing tires to justifying animal abuse is a pretty big quantum leap in reasoning. Vandalizing cars many consider to be a victimless crime, since everybody has insurance.

Might be 2 different people, but someone IS shooting our dogs (pellet gun), on top of 2 vehicle break-ins, so it's hard to make this assumption any more.

dillsrotary 04-28-2009 02:05 PM

I give you credit for staying some what calm, I would have done something stupid and rash by now.

This may help too:

How to use your PC and Webcam as a motion-detecting and recording security camera


kersh4w 04-28-2009 03:23 PM

im a big believer in karma. so, this is just the world letting me know to not get too cocky or concerned about my stuff.

416to212 04-28-2009 04:17 PM

Nice Rays Lug nuts...

kersh4w 04-28-2009 09:46 PM

yeah, we had to keep those in maryland.


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