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-   -   Prosport Guages Disscussion!! (https://www.rx8club.com/series-i-interior-audio-electronics-24/prosport-guages-disscussion-115337/)

TurboEight 04-29-2007 06:05 AM

Prosport Guages Disscussion!!
Hm...I' m noticing the loteck POD thread is gettting CRAMMED with the prosports gauges post more the the pod itself.

How about we have our disscussion on this thread instead and leave that thread clean.

First off, I would like to know the difference between the Premium ones and the normal performance ones.

I know the differnece is that the premium ones have PEAK and warning settings on them..

Anything else though? Looks? What comes with the packages?

I was able to gather that they both come with hood.

Do they both come with the same amounts of installation hardware.

Prosport Gauges 08-02-2007 08:28 AM

The Premium Series is a completely different gauge- it uses a stepper motor to drive the gauge (same as defi), the senders are different-higher quality to match the precision on the premium gauge. The bezel profile is different -Premium has a higher profile and they are much thinner-only 1.25" deep. Finally they come with mounting cups and they can be daisy chained together!

Prosport Gauges 09-02-2007 09:21 AM

anyone else have any question??

1stgen8 09-03-2007 12:46 PM

Originally Posted by Prosport Gauges (Post 2038727)
anyone else have any question??

I called your office several mos ago and asked this same question.......When is the wide band coming out? Any update?

Prosport Gauges 09-05-2007 04:50 PM

Sorry we still have no release date yet...as soon as we do we will anounce it here!

VarneyMazda 09-10-2007 09:28 AM

i ordered 2 last tuesday when should i expect them in maine?

Prosport Gauges 09-11-2007 06:57 AM

Originally Posted by VarneyMazda (Post 2047268)
i ordered 2 last tuesday when should i expect them in maine?

We usually ship the same or next day...unless your item was out of stock?? give us a call direct as I do not know your name to look it up. 727-572-9011

VarneyMazda 09-11-2007 08:03 AM

got em yesterday!

Btw these gauges are amazing..im exteremly impressed.

Prosport Gauges 09-12-2007 07:57 AM

Originally Posted by VarneyMazda (Post 2048747)
got em yesterday!

Btw these gauges are amazing..im exteremly impressed.

Thats what I like to hear.... Glad you are happy!!!

Stop by our Booth at NOPI and get a free gift !!!

Evil 8 09-12-2007 09:24 AM

Just ordered some gauges. Hope to see them soon. :rolleyes:

Prosport Gauges 09-13-2007 10:54 AM


Thanks for the business!

See everyone at Nopi... I am leaving now....

Derex'8 11-21-2007 05:02 PM

Hey you guys who are using prosport gauges in the RB gauge pod..What are you all using to retain the Gauges?

SayNoToPistons 02-24-2008 01:49 PM

A lot of people over at RX7club are reporting inaccuracy's out of Prosport gauges. As much as 2-3 PSI at times which could mean a blown motor and thousands of dollars worth of repairs.

Here are a few direct quotes:

Originally Posted by andrewdruiz (Post 7744675)
Bumping this thread up to ask a question.

1. When your gauges do the opening ceremony, do they peg at max temp/press, or do they stop maybe 3/4 of the way? I bought 2x water temp and one stops at ~300, the other at ~250... the needles too are barely, barely off, but I don't think it's going to pose much of a problem.

I was about to buy about 7 more gauges for my friends and a oil press/temp for me, but this is making me a bit weary. I also bought a boost gauge and it was at ~+3 in/hg with no vacuum line attached, just with power, so I tested it's accuracy on my FD vs. the Mity Vac (Yeah wan, I still have yours, haha) and it confirmed its inaccuracy :( I even boosted it and it showed I was boosting like ~5-6 psi, about 2-3 psi off... These are all performance gauges, I think I'm going to have the guy exchange my boost gauge for a premium one, and verify that the needle is sitting at 0, and I want to mount it on my steering column cover, so it'll be a lot easier doing it this way with the already included mounting items.


I'm not saying that all Prosports gauges are inaccurate. Someone did say their water temperature (Performance line) is very accurate.

Another example of the inaccuracy by another member.

Originally Posted by wan (Post 7236528)
I received my performance series oil temp gauge in the mail but mine is defective. The pointer (part that lights up red) is not aligned straight with its base (thing that moves it).

Check out the picture:

Both pictures are of the same gauge. I drew a straight line down the middle to show how crooked the pointer actually is. It looks like the pointer needle wasnt positioned correctly when it was assembled as is not pointing straight down. I e-mailed ProSport about this and I hope I can get an exchange. I was about to order all of my gauges from them but decided to order just one to see what they look like personally.

Besides the problem with the needle, everything looks good. Another minor thing that I wasnt 100% excited about was the ring of light around the dial. Its not a big deal but it would have been nice to have that excess light blocked around the edges just like Defi, Greddy, HKS, and other gauges do.

I'll keep you guys updated on this and let you know how their customer service deals with this.

Originally Posted by Houstonderk (Post 7241146)
I have the boost/vac, fuel pressure, and exhaust temp. The only one that has worked ok for me is the exhaust temp. The boost vac sender broke from installing the very tight hose that was included and the guage is off about 2 lines and the fuel pressure is ok but when the headlights are on the boost and fuel pressure fluctuate all the time, until the headlights are off. I have yet to get ahold of them to find the cause though.

Maybe that's because of an installation error by the costumer. Don't know because he didn't give an update on the situation.

Here is Wan's review and update on the situation and customer service.

Originally Posted by wan (Post 7285639)
First off, like I said in an earlier post, these gauges are the cheapest gauges money wise that I have ever purchased. All of my previous gauges have been more expensive and made by respected Japanese brands such as HKS, Greddy, Apexi, RE-Amemiya.

ProSport gauges look great in the pictures and lots of people seem to love them. After reading some threads including this one by RISEN, I went ahead and ordered some despite my worries about their quality (made in Taiwan). I should have trusted my gut instinct before I bought them.

My first gauge, an oil temp gauge from their Performance line of gauges, showed up with a bad needle (see pic below).


ProSport's customer service was great and they exchanged it for another. I wanted matching gauges so I ordered a Performance water temp gauge and a Premium boost gauge as well.

FYI: their Professional gauges are entry level electronic gauges ranging from $35.99 to $88.99 while the Premium gauges are their top of the line series which feature peak hold and warning functions. These also cost at least twice as much ranging from $69.00 to $120.00.

My package arrived and I inspected my gauges. The needle on my oil temp gauge (which they replaced) was still slightly crooked but it was something I could live with considering their price. My water temp gauge was also fine. The last gauge in the box was my Premium boost gauge...

The package contains everything you need to install your gauge. I forgot to take a picture of the vacuum tubing they include in the box but it looks like the stuff you put in your fish tank. This stuff looks & feels like it will melt right away in our hot turbocharged engine bays. I suggest you use high quality silicone hose from your vacuum source to the boost gauge's sensor. Here is a picture of the main components that come in the box:

Another thing I noticed is the gauge hood included does not fit over the gauge. The inner diameter of the hood is too small. I switched it with the hood that came with my other gauge and it fit like a glove. The included gauge pod is a nice bonus. The gauge fit nicely in there.

I powered the gauge in my office and connected the boost sensor. When the gauge did its self test, flashed its lights and finally came to rest I noticed the needle was not on the "0" (see pic). Hmmm... two gauges with bad needles :uhh:

I took out my MityVac and applied pressure to the pressure sensor to test its accuracy. The gauge was off by 1psi up to 15psi and then was off by 2psi up to 25psi. An inaccurate gauge is something I dont want on my FD. Who knows how well the sensor is going to handle the under hood temps and if it will get worse over time. Just for shits and giggles, I tested my HKS and RE-Amemiya boost gauge to verify the accuracy of my MityVac's gauge. Both gauges displayed what the MityVac showed consistently. The HKS gauge was accurate despite its old age. :bigthumb:

The following picture is something that bugged me about the ProSport gauge but I could have lived with. The base of the needle has a cheap, badly trimmed cap. Light bleeds through on one side of it. This same thing can be found on both of my Performance gauges and judging by RISENS's pictures, in his too. Since my boost gauge is from their top of the line series, I expected the materials to be slightly better than their entry level Performance gauges. Especially since the boost gauge was $79.50.

One thing I almost forgot... out of the box the button on the gauge did not work. It was hard to press in and wouldnt come back up. It turned out the shaft for the button was crooked because the bezel (correct term?) was not aligned properly. This was an easy fix since I just grabbed the body of the gauge with one hand while I rotated the bezel (piece that holds the glass) until the button's shaft was straight. Once again, this was a minor issue but something that could have been taken care of at the factory.

I contacted ProSport's customer service because I want to return all of my gauges. I'm not 100% happy with them and dont want to take the risk of having these die on me down the road. I'm still waiting for their reply. Its unfortunate because they do look great (especially the Premium gauges) and I was really looking forward to using them. I may give them another shot in the future. Hopefully their quality goes up.

I will be trying out some Japanese gauges that cost as much as ProSport's Premium gauges and will post a review as soon as I get them. I've had nothing but good experiences with Japanese guages and am positive I'll be happy with the gauges I'm ordering.


Originally Posted by wan (Post 7288463)
For some reason my pictures arent showing up. Here they are again:

These are the main components that come in the box (minus the crappy hose):

Here is the boost gauge resting below the 0 (zero):

Here is the cheap plastic cap I talked about above:

and finally my mechanical boost gauges I used to verify that my MityVac was accurate:

UPDATE: ProSport's customer service is great. They gave me an RMA # to return my gauges for a full refund. They said they want their customers to be 100% satisfied with their gauges. Their customer service has been great, unfortunately I cant say the same for the gauges I received. Hopefully their gauges get better in the future because I really liked the way the Premium gauges look. :icon_tup:

Originally Posted by wan (Post 7320665)
I got a refund (minus shipping costs) with no restocking fees or any other BS like that. If anyone wants to give their gauges a shot, you can do so without worrying about losing your money and ending up with a product you dont like.

ProSport's customer service is excellent. I wish I could say the same for their gauges :(

Another report in the same thread about the needle being off?

Originally Posted by hyperlitenerd (Post 7292353)
The gauge appears to be a hair below 0, but it could be that it is not level? I'm still waiting for the steering column mount from rx7store.


And another?

Originally Posted by roootary (Post 7305262)
installed my prosport gauges.. readings so far are very inaccurate considering i had my previous units hooked up in the same spot. and they were inline with the haltech reading..

on the other hand, when the water temp was at 90C on haltech the prosport gauge was showing 170F /76C...lol

i have contacted prosport.

Like i said, i'm not saying all prosport gauges are inaccurate. It just seems like a lot of people are having trouble with their Prosport gauges being off. Sure it's not a 100-200 dollar gauge like Defi, HKS, Greddy, ETC. But I would expect them to be accurate if i'm not getting the same features i would get with the higher priced gauges (like memory, peak/hold, and warnings).

Can you explain what is wrong here and if you guys at Prosport have made any updates to the gauges to improve the accuracy?

Prosport Gauges 02-25-2008 07:35 AM

I don't even know where to begin...Your post is so inaccurate in so many ways. Lets start with the fact that if you were to take the time to the research on any gauge company you can come up with 6 customers who have had issues. Then lets couple that with the fact that all of these are one sided and some are a direct result of improper installation. Then if you add in that maybe something happened during shipping to damage the gauge...
We handle tons of email and phone customer support, and one thing I have noticed is that when people post up about a problem they never go back and update the thread with something like "I installed the gauge wrong" nobody wants to look stupid, so they just install it the correct way and move on.
I can go on and on about how many ways your deformation question is wrong, but the bottom line is we sell thousands of gauges and 6 people complain that is very good. We have one of the lowest defect rates in the industry-less than .5% (thats half a percent).

I especially like the picture of the HKS gauge pointer sitting at the very bottom of the 0 mark and in the next picture of the prosport gauge with the pointer sitting in the same location but for some reason the complaint is only with the prosport gauge??

We have been making gauges for 36 years, mainly for OEM gauge companies that you all know and respect. I guess we bring this on ourself by being on the boards and being so accessable-we are almost asking for it. What you do not see is the many thousands of extremenly satisfied customers. I think the reason you do not see ANY other manufacturer on any forum is because they do not want to answer questions like this?? I mean take any product in the world and and you can make this same question with at least 10 unhappy people. I bet you have more complaints on the RX8 itself-go look at all the people posting up with problems with the car.. do people still buy them, of course they do. Better yet make this same question to say.. autometer and see what they say?? you probably won't even get a response.
Gauges are not medical instruments...no different that the RX8 -think about it why do monst people replace the gauges on their car? better accuracy? I just don't get it.. ask Mazda if they made an improvements to the accuracy of their stock gauges? - do you see how silly your question is?
we have had our gauges tested side by side with Defi, Greddy & autometer, they are just as or more accurate. Contact IA performance in AZ- they did the test.

I have been in sales all my life and one thing is for sure, you can't please everyone all the time. It seems as though you have already made up your mind without ever touching our product.

swoope 02-25-2008 08:02 AM


stuff from right here..

beers :beer:

whenson417 02-25-2008 05:24 PM

I have the Prosport Premium Gauges with the peak/hold and am very happy with them. I talked to Olddragger recently on another forum and I believe that he has figured out why his temps were off and that he is keeping his gauges. I think the solution to his problem was to ground his sending a little better by grinding off some of the chrome plating on the sending units themselves.

I did have a small issue with my oil pressure gauge at first. To make a long story short, by the time it was all over with, they sent me two oil premium pressure sending units ($30-$40 a piece) and a wiring harness for the premium pressure gauge (not sure how much that would cost) free of charge. It turned out that it was just a broken wire so I was asked to send back the unused sending unit. I do not think any other guage company would have helped me out they way Prosport did without me having to shell out a lot of money for replacement parts so I give them an A++ for customer service and satisfaction.

Prosport Gauges 02-26-2008 05:10 AM

Originally Posted by swoope (Post 2315246)

stuff from right here..

beers :beer:

As written in the same thread by BrianGT:

I used a scan tool and a laser thermometer to check my gauges. I found that the PCM reads higher than the gauge but the gauge is actually accurate.

I took some pics while the car was running in the driveway

The coolant temp gauge:

The scanner:

Laser thermometer (sorry little blurry):

I think the RB adapter is a little cooler than where the engine coolant sensor is.

TheWulf 02-28-2008 04:01 PM

Question for people with other brands of gauges: Do you have similar issues? If so, with which brands and how was your customer service?

Also -- if you do have ProSports and they are working well for you, please post as well so that we can get a good feel for the ratio.

I'm looking to buy a pile of gauges this summer and I love the look of ProSport. I also appreciate the good customer service -- apparently that's unanimous. That's very important to me. But so are accurate gauges. Are there any other brands that light up as nicely while being (at least as) accurate?


midlifer 03-08-2008 07:52 PM

Does anybody know what size Water Temp. Sender Radiator Hose Adapter to get for the water temp. gauge? My 8 is in storage and I can't get at it right now. They list 5 sizes. I asked glen but he did not know. Thanks in advance.


Prosport Gauges 03-09-2008 04:03 PM

I Think it is a 36mm

midlifer 03-09-2008 04:20 PM

36 is not an option. 28, 30, 32, 34 and 38 are the choices.


Prosport Gauges 03-10-2008 09:35 AM

lol..sorry for the typo.. 34 is what I meant.

midlifer 03-10-2008 07:00 PM

Thanks Glen!


nelsonrx8 03-12-2008 11:23 AM

don't buy narrow band air/fuel gauge for your 8.......useless

chickenwafer 03-13-2008 01:54 AM

I have been having an issue with my ProSport Premium peak/warning water temp gauge reading anywhere from 20-35 degrees cooler than what the PCM is reading (verified by an OBD-II scanalyser).

I just redid all the power wiring for the gauge so I am going to re-ground the sensors and see if it helps. I may have gotten a faulty sensor or gauge so hopefully ProSport's customer services lives up to it's reputation.

On another note, my friend with a turbo FC had an issue with his ProSport mechanic boost gauge. It was extremely slow to react (i.e. he would be pushing 14 psi and the gauge would only show 5...7...10...12...14, barely creep up). He ditched it for an AutoMeter Cobalt mechanic boost gauge with little success. The AutoMeter gauge was quicker to react but was reading 3-5 psi low (according to the Haltech). I hooked up my AEM electronic boost gauge to the same vacuum source on the manifold and was reading the correct manifold pressure with it, so the vacuum source and installation was correct.

One thing people may not realize if your boost gauge may not read exactly zero if you're not at seal level. If you are above sea level the gauge won't be resting perfectly on zero....

swoope 03-13-2008 01:57 AM

Originally Posted by chickenwafer (Post 2346085)
I have been having an issue with my ProSport water temp gauge reading anywhere from 20-35 degrees cooler than what the PCM is reading (verified by an OBD-II scanalyser).

I just redid all the power wiring for the gauge so I am going to re-ground the sensors and see if it helps. I may have gotten a faulty sensor or gauge so hopefully ProSport's customer services lives up to it's reputation.


that is the issue.

beers :beer:

devildog1679 03-18-2008 05:53 PM

I see on their site that the performance serious water temp gauge is out of stock. Would it be OK if I go with the premium serious water temp gauge and the performance series for oil pressure and temp?

Prosport Gauges 03-19-2008 11:02 AM

They look different, the Premium Series has a taller bezel profile and more of a gun metal color - the performance series is low profile and more of a brushed alum, color bezel. Many people do mix and match but during the day they will look slightly different. The water temp gauges will be back in stock in about 11 days.

devildog1679 03-19-2008 11:35 AM

OK, I guess for uniformaity sakes I will get them all in premium.

TheWulf 03-19-2008 11:58 AM

*cough* wideband AFR premium *cough*


devildog1679 03-19-2008 12:51 PM

Please confirm the water temp adapter is 34MM. Just ordered the full set online.

Prosport Gauges 03-20-2008 07:14 AM

Originally Posted by TheWulf (Post 2357280)
*cough* wideband AFR premium *cough*


...in three weeks I will be hold the first first wideband gauge in my hand. We will be in full production by May and they will go on sale early June. Still no price point yet but I will update once more info becomes available.

Prosport Gauges 03-20-2008 07:15 AM

Originally Posted by devildog1679 (Post 2357382)
Please confirm the water temp adapter is 34MM. Just ordered the full set online.

Yes that will work for you...

nelsonrx8 03-20-2008 12:29 PM


what size adapter for the 8 pmme please

Prosport Gauges 03-21-2008 05:44 AM


nelsonrx8 03-29-2008 02:19 PM

ok installed my water temp gauge working nicely...but still having trouble with my oil pressure gauge........even after i rewired everything

TheWulf 03-29-2008 03:59 PM

most gauge problems are due to bad grounds... double check the grounds, especially on the senders.


nelsonrx8 03-29-2008 05:24 PM

all my grounds are in the same place the other two gauges are working fine

nelsonrx8 03-29-2008 05:24 PM

BTW thanks prosport for speedy shipping

nelsonrx8 03-29-2008 08:04 PM


the glove

nelsonrx8 03-29-2008 08:06 PM


the adapter

nelsonrx8 03-29-2008 08:08 PM



midlifer 03-29-2008 10:16 PM

+1 on the shipping. You guys are great! Got my things in less than a week. Hopefully I'll get it all installed in a couple weeks.


Originally Posted by nelsonrx8 (Post 2376441)
BTW thanks prosport for speedy shipping

nelsonrx8 03-30-2008 06:58 AM

ill put up a video soon of my car

Prosport Gauges 03-31-2008 06:29 AM

Looks great! looking forward to the video.

TheWulf 03-26-2009 02:27 PM

Originally Posted by Prosport Gauges (Post 2359005)
...in three weeks I will be hold the first first wideband gauge in my hand. We will be in full production by May and they will go on sale early June. Still no price point yet but I will update once more info becomes available.

I know this is an old thread, but I would like to get a progress update seeign as this is still not on your website...

Race Roots 03-26-2009 03:50 PM

Originally Posted by TheWulf (Post 2935664)
I know this is an old thread, but I would like to get a progress update seeign as this is still not on your website...

I will have them 4/13 :)

That is when there planned arrival is to Prosport then I get them next day

TheWulf 03-26-2009 03:59 PM

Sweet... can you confirm if this will be part of the "Premium" series? Like I mentioned before I'd like to do a gauge setup but it all has to match..

Race Roots 03-26-2009 04:04 PM

Originally Posted by TheWulf (Post 2935868)
Sweet... can you confirm if this will be part of the "Premium" series? Like I mentioned before I'd like to do a gauge setup but it all has to match..

<---Direct Dealer :)

I am in the same boat as you

Prosport Gauges 03-27-2009 07:53 AM

Fluid is correct, the wideband in the premium series will be in stock about 4/13. Also available at that time is the digital wideband with amber LCD display.

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