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MPester 08-14-2003 09:39 PM

Haris - Thanks for the stat.

Like I was thinking. The Z what??? Only slight edge over the RX-8. I can see all those Z owners hoping the RX-8 does not sale well. If it does and when the RX-7 does debut, I would love to see what it will do to the Z.

Originally posted by Haris

Well if you look at real defenition of a sports car, it wouldn't be either RX8 or 350z. Real sports car would be miata since it has all features of a sports car defenition.

Mazda RX8 could be used as family car, for long trips, etc.
Nissan 350z IMHO is like a muscle car. Big engine, lots of torque, made to run very fast in a straight line. Track model of 350z is .3 seconds faster in 0-60 than RX8 and .2 seconds faster in 1/4 mile.

Mazda RX8 (R&T) Results:
0-60 = 5.9 sec.
1/4 mile = 14.5 sec.
Skidpad = 0.88g
Slalom = 65.4 mph
Brake rating = excellent
Handling balance = mild oversteer
Braking 60-0 mph = 114 ft.

Nissan 350z Track (R&T) Results:
0-60 = 5.6 sec.
1/4 mile = 14.3 sec.
Skidpad = 0.89g
Slalom = 65.6 mph
Brake rating = very good
Handling balance = mild understeer
Braking 60-0 mph = 119 ft.

Now both of these cars have advantages and disadvantages. So in some things RX8 is alot better than 350z and in other's 350z is alot better. So it depends what you need and want. RX8 is totally different from 350z though. G35c and RX8 are good competition.

rotarymagic 08-14-2003 10:25 PM

.When an individual amature driver does a test, It is not comaprible to a professionals. Also, are these so called testers dropping the clutch at 7500 rpm's? That is what it takes to get the best times from the RX-8. Just too many variables to consider when comparing the times of magazines/professional drivers, and amatures.

Ike 08-14-2003 10:26 PM

Mazda and Nissan as far as history goes have such an opposite perception by car people...

With the exception of some of their specialty sportscars

Mazda = Great Handlers lacking a great engine
Nissan = Great engines and lacking handling

If the two merged we would have one amazing car :p

By the way, I think Blue 350Z is more of a gnome than a troll, perhaps an orc...

ProtoConVert 08-14-2003 10:37 PM

Originally posted by rotarymagic
.When an individual amature driver does a test, It is not comaprible to a professionals. Also, are these so called testers dropping the clutch at 7500 rpm's? That is what it takes to get the best times from the RX-8. Just too many variables to consider when comparing the times of magazines/professional drivers, and amatures.

That'd be cool if automakers as an industry standard provided video Best-Motoring style to substantiate claims... also to show how fast factory drivers can launch and shift (and maybe clutchless shift too)

Ike 08-14-2003 10:46 PM

Cliffnotes for those of you that don't want to read the whole post.

1.) Blue 350Z comes in and makes some statements that sound a bit trollish
2.) Embittered mod fires back
3.) Troll hides trollish ways
4.) Embittered mod nearly blows a head gasket
5.) Trawling, trolling, trolls, gnomes, orcs, balrogs, and Tolkien are discussed
6.) RX-8 fanboys show to fight the troll, embittered mods exits, orcs, trolls, goblins and the like still linger
7.) Troll shows true colors and calls RX-8 wimpy
8.) RX8-TX makes sensible post and is ignored
9.) Magazine racing abounds
10.) Tweety-Nator does his best Sweden impersonation
11.) Brazil, Renault, Europe blah blah blah...
12.) Stone trolls blah blah blah
13.) Commentator wins title of ultimate fanboy
14.) Shrek, trolls...
15.) Troll insults spelling of others and says "registered after I seen ridicules comments about the 350z."
16.) Gnomes, orcs blah blah blah

Ok you may continue on now that we have caught everyone up to speed :p


billdo 08-14-2003 10:59 PM

Originally posted by IkeWRX
Cliffnotes for those of you that don't want to read the whole post.

1.) Blue 350Z comes in and makes some statements that sound a bit trollish
2.) Embittered mod fires back
3.) Troll hides trollish ways
4.) Embittered mod nearly blows a head gasket
5.) Trawling, trolling, trolls, gnomes, orcs, balrogs, and Tolkien are discussed
6.) RX-8 fanboys show to fight the troll, embittered mods exits, orcs, trolls, goblins and the like still linger
7.) Troll shows true colors and calls RX-8 wimpy
8.) RX8-TX makes sensible post and is ignored
9.) Magazine racing abounds
10.) Tweety-Nator does his best Sweden impersonation
11.) Brazil, Renault, Europe blah blah blah...
12.) Stone trolls blah blah blah
13.) Commentator wins title of ultimate fanboy
14.) Shrek, trolls...
15.) Troll insults spelling of others and says "registered after I seen ridicules comments about the 350z."
16.) Gnomes, orcs blah blah blah

Ok you may continue on now that we have caught everyone up to speed :p


HaHa Good summary:D This thread is getting to the point where we will need a map before long. "Trolls on page 2....Gnomes..page 3...." :D

TJRX8 08-14-2003 11:03 PM

Originally posted by IkeWRX
15.) Troll insults spelling of others and says "registered after I seen ridicules comments about the 350z."

That is sad but pretty damn funny, and he spelled "Foreign" two different ways because he wasn't sure.

BTW I would make a bet that every person who bought an RX-8 could have purchased a 350Z and for some reason decided not to. My reasons were the same as many of those pointed out above. But...now here is the slam dunk...NONE of the 350Z owners, prior to say July 11th or so, could have purchased an RX-8. :D

Can't we all just get along??? :-)

Genom 08-14-2003 11:04 PM

Originally posted by ElementalsIn

so... i'm deciding between the 350z and the rx8 at the moment... if i were to buy a 350z, and still enjoy posting here (yes i don't post much, but i do enjoy browsing and responding to certain threads, but also because i like both cars equaly as of this moment), u would consider me a troll? is that the point ur trying to get across here? because if thats the case, YOU are VERY narrow minded my friend

No. once again you have to actually read what I post. I am saying if you wanna chat about your 350Z or whatever else you have, there's a place called the lounge and another one called general automotive for a reason. This forum as far as I can see says RX-8 discussion.

Second point, I will discuss things that are posted in an intelligent matter. However, coming in here, saying "no offense but" and then rag about a car you saw someone else drive, on a forum where people are trying to discuss the car they actually drive, and when replied about why your argument is something that has been covered before, and not of that much interest, decide to take insult potshots is trolling.
I have nothing against other car's. I only have a problem with other car owners who for no reason whatsoever try to belittle my choice in cars, when in fact he has no idea why I chose the car. His reasons for his car are his own. A lot of people share them, but I think it's pretty safe to say a good chunk of RX-8 owners dont share them, as they most pointedly, did not buy a 350Z. As soon as others can stop being insulting, they might stop being called trolls.

P00Man 08-14-2003 11:06 PM

lol, very well laid out summation of the thread

OmegaBob 08-15-2003 12:11 AM

Ike: thx for the cliffnotes! ;)

Originally posted by Genom

I have nothing against other car's.

I actually DO have something against other cars. One in particular: the Pontiac Aztek! That's one butt ugly, car/crossover SUV ... thing!

As for the Z... before I ordered my 8, I did consider the Z. However, after researching the car and reading up at MY350z.com, I realized that the car was not for me. Why?
1 - Tire feathering issues
2 - Interior design issues: crappy materials, no passenger glove box !?! (behind the seat storage doesn't count), unexceptional stereo
3 - Tiny trunk
4 - It's a two-seater
I do like the looks and colors (esp the blue); however, it just doesn't fit my needs, though the 5 speed AT is nice!

Toadman 08-15-2003 01:05 AM

Cliffs note 17.)
Admins will step in, kill the thread, and issue warnings or worse if it turns into a flamefest. Carry on, peeps... ;)

Ike 08-15-2003 01:48 AM

Hey jerkoff, my car is faster than yours, my dad can beat up your dad, your momma is a tramp, and stop messing with my cliffnotes! :p

Ike 08-15-2003 01:50 AM

Cliffnotes for those of you that don't want to read the whole post.

1.) Blue 350Z comes in and makes some statements that sound a bit trollish
2.) Embittered mod fires back
3.) Troll hides trollish ways
4.) Embittered mod nearly blows a head gasket
5.) Trawling, trolling, trolls, gnomes, orcs, balrogs, and Tolkien are discussed
6.) RX-8 fanboys show to fight the troll, embittered mods exits, orcs, trolls, goblins and the like still linger
7.) Troll shows true colors and calls RX-8 wimpy
8.) RX8-TX makes sensible post and is ignored
9.) Magazine racing abounds
10.) Tweety-Nator does his best Sweden impersonation
11.) Brazil, Renault, Europe blah blah blah...
12.) Stone trolls blah blah blah
13.) Commentator wins title of ultimate fanboy
14.) Shrek, trolls...
15.) Troll insults spelling of others and says "registered after I seen ridicules comments about the 350z."
16.) Gnomes, orcs blah blah blah
17.) IkeWRX is banned by admistrator

BillK 08-15-2003 01:56 AM

Originally posted by ProtoConVert
That'd be cool if automakers as an industry standard provided video Best-Motoring style to substantiate claims... also to show how fast factory drivers can launch and shift (and maybe clutchless shift too)
It would be neat, but it would never happen.

Why? Owners would follow the instructions, destroy their clutches/diffs/whatever trying to reproduce the technique and would blame the manufacturer as they were following "official" techniques...

graphicguy 08-15-2003 07:45 AM

all true (except for 350z blue)
Probably the truest statement made was we all had a chance to buy a 350Z and chose the RX8 instead.

Having driven both (as well as the G35), I've certainly got my own reasons for choosing the RX8 over the 350.

BUT, coming in here and pretending that you are something you're not (curious about the RX8) is just plain wrong. It's like coming over to my house, eating all my food, drinking all my beer, farting on my couch and then stating that I'm not a good host.

Kuf 08-15-2003 07:58 AM

Originally posted by Genom

I have nothing against other car's. I only have a problem with other car owners who for no reason whatsoever try to belittle my choice in cars, when in fact he has no idea why I chose the car..... As soon as others can stop being insulting, they might stop being called trolls.


Genom 08-15-2003 08:26 AM

Originally posted by OmegaBob
Ike: thx for the cliffnotes! ;)

I actually DO have something against other cars. One in particular: the Pontiac Aztek! That's one butt ugly, car/crossover SUV ... thing!

Damn. You know what Omegabob? You are correct. That is one BUTT ugly 4 wheel vehicle.

Of course, apologies to any Aztec user lurking around who will now run to the Aztec forums (yeah, like there's gonna be more than 3 people who actually wanna talk about the car) and tell everybody how we are all mean and stuff!

rael 08-15-2003 08:32 AM

I was invited to a orge and promised a goblin but think I'll give it a miss if its only car meeting.


VandyZ 08-15-2003 08:55 AM

Well I go away for a few days and more of my 350Z brethren come in and stir up trouble.

We have nice cars give it a rest. All this race numbers this and that. Sometimes it is not even the car, its who has the biggest pair . . .if you know what I mean.

zerohour 08-15-2003 09:13 AM

Originally posted by Hercules
Are you on something?

Hell, I can hand time my car and get ~6 seconds to 60. The car that was tested with those numbers was... guess what.... fully furnished as opposed to your idea of the car not having a full interior?

There's a reason why you have a 350Z and were sitting at a drag strip. The RX-8 buyers that know what the car is about won't be there.... they'll be wringing out that 6 speed thru some twisties.

That 5.9s dash to 60 is right on target with the current car. It's been tested numerous times from Road and Track, Car and Driver, and a lot of other places that used a similarly set up car. Hell, the production models in Europe that get 231 horses still dash to 62 in 6.3 seconds... so add 20 ponies and reduce the speed by 2 mph and you have your deficit.

Please take your misinformation back to the 350Z boards, as I'm sure it's appreciated there. We are all pretty well read on the cars and passing off your misinformation is rather an insult, just like if we came to the 350Z forums and started posting information about how somebody ran a 15 second quarter.

I for one dont believe the RX8 to be the slow turd that everyone claims because i have had other mid to low 14 sec cars in the quarter and the 8 feels obviously much faster IMHO.

We all know our cars are awsome this is a given. This is why people are trading in their Z S2k EVO etc for an 8. Its a different car like you said obviously made for the twisties. Its an awsome car which we all love and appreciate.

His misinformation does jive with lots of the posts on our forum. I however wonder if it could have been a issue with the first batch of cars that came out. I got the second shipment and if I stomp on the gas in my first at 4k I get pushed back in my seat very well beyond what I expected and have to grab second very quickly even though we have long gear ratios.

In 3k more miles i think im gonna dyno my car. In 8 k miles im going to take it to the strip ..........once that is im not a strip kinda guy and i dont like to put the pain on my clutch. Then in 10 k ill be doing speed trials who hoo!

Ill make sure to give my impressions at that time Dynos my quarter times etc. Thanks alot all this is an awsome board that im proud to be a part of.

rotarymagic 08-15-2003 09:23 AM

Originally posted by ProtoConVert

That'd be cool if automakers as an industry standard provided video Best-Motoring style to substantiate claims... also to show how fast factory drivers can launch and shift (and maybe clutchless shift too)

That's a great idea, proto.

Blue 350z 08-15-2003 10:19 AM

One quick note for you people that blab about acceleration and the official forum excuse of bring it to the twistys (which never happens on the street)

Here is a quote from Car And Driver Mag on the rx8:

Achieving this communication and responsiveness at low limits is not so hard, but the RX-8 does it at 0.91 g, a considerable margin beyond the cornering capabilities of these two competitors. Its transient handling is similarly superior. And the RX-8 is the best stopper of this bunch. Despite these handling advantages, the RX-8 was the slowest at the racetrack , and that's because of a shortage of midrange grunt in its rotary engine. Peak power is decent at 250 horsepower, but it's developed at 8500 rpm. Torque, however, is a mere 159 pound-feet down 111 and 231 pound-feet on the two other cars and it comes at 5500 rpm, which is nearly as high as the others' power peaks. Think Honda S2000 power band, and you get the idea.

Quote from rotary revival: Comparo with rx8, G35C and Stang

Now concidering that it was the slowest in a group that includes the G35C which is 250+ LBS heavier and 7HP down with lower max grip numbers then the 350z it kinda makes your take it to the twistys excuse wear thin..

Also FYI: The max cornering grip of an rx8 = 91g, the 350z is 89g and it weights 300+ more then the RX8.

Also the 5-60 time for the RX was 7.5, the 350z's 5-60 is 5.9 seconds.. So said torque don't matter again?

Kawi 08-15-2003 10:27 AM

Jesus H. Christ dude.

BRx8 08-15-2003 10:49 AM

wrong forum man...you're like Jekyll and Hyde, one minute you're justifying your appearance here by stating your love for all kinds of cars...next minute you're bashing the very car this forum is all about...perhaps it's time to leave now?

and btw, there is a Lord of the Rings - Return of the King trailer floating around somewhere...i'll look for that link...and i STILL do not know the difference b/n an ogre, goblin, orc, troll, knoll and kobold...ogre's seem like big, fat orcs...orcs seem like physically fit trolls...trolls seem like adult knolls, and knolls look like bigger goblins...kobolds just seem like walking dogs...they all look like one giant family

Blue 350z 08-15-2003 10:53 AM

Not to kill your fun or anything but all that troll, orc etc talk is extreemly dorky :cool:

brothervoodoo 08-15-2003 10:54 AM

All you D&D fanatics have just blown your cover.... Gary Gygax would be proud..

Genom 08-15-2003 10:55 AM

BRx8: Problem is, you need to limit yourself to a single culture's standard for that mythical beast. Elfs and troll's can be either huge or small. Gnomes and dwarves are almost always small, but sometimes they are fierce feared warriors', other times they are jokes.

graphicguy 08-15-2003 10:57 AM

You're "schtick" is wearing pretty thin.

The same comparo you're talking about also goes on to state that they'd still take the RX8 over the 350 platform.

As an old street racer once told me...."no matter how much money you have, you'll always find someone with more....no matter how fast your car is, you'll always find someone who has one that's faster.....no matter now much of a "bad ass" you are, you'll always run into someone that's "badder"...."

If you are to be believed (which I have reservations in doing), you are in your mid 20s. Apparently, you haven't been around much. The worst that can happen to you in here is you'll get your feelings hurt.

Others, on the street or at the track, may not be nearly as forgiving.

One last time....we compared the 350Z to the RX8 and bought the RX8....'nuff said!

You like your 350Z (if you really have one). So be it. We see things differently. Let it go at that.

RX8-U-UP 08-15-2003 10:58 AM

Hey Z man, The majority of RX8 owners on this site had ample time to test drive a 350Z, and from posts I've read the majority did in fact drive a 350Z. So therefore we had the opportunity to choose either one, and many like me who drove both, chose the 8. I used to own a Z, many members of my family have owned Z's which I have driven, and that thing at your local Nissan dealer ain't no Z. Just like the RX8 is not an RX7, but Mazda had the respect of their RX7 legacy to leave it alone and build and name another car, which many feel will build an equal legacy of its own. No where did I ever see Mazda represent or compare the RX8 to be an RX7. Nissan should have respected the Z legacy and left it alone, and produce the 350Z (not) as a new and special car on its own. Nissan always implied that they were bringing back the Z again, showing pictures of past generations of popular Z's. This is in fact not what they delivered. The old Z's were cutting edge, not cookie cutter. I spend more time trying to figure out if a car is a Z, or just one of the many look alikes (I don't know who copied who). You did not have that problem with the old (one and only) Z's, and you don't have that problem with the RX8. The original Z was the alternative to raw straight line power of the muscle car era, now its an uninovative also ran. In both cases the old saying still hold true. If you can't beat'em, join'em. Nissan has done a very good job of fitting in. Congrats. Enjoy your car named Z.

Blue 350z 08-15-2003 11:17 AM

Originally posted by RX8-U-UP
Hey Z man, The majority of RX8 owners on this site had ample time to test drive a 350Z, and from posts I've read the majority did in fact drive a 350Z. So therefore we had the opportunity to choose either one, and many like me who drove both, chose the 8. I used to own a Z, many members of my family have owned Z's which I have driven, and that thing at your local Nissan dealer ain't no Z. Just like the RX8 is not an RX7, but Mazda had the respect of their RX7 legacy to leave it alone and build and name another car, which many feel will build an equal legacy of its own. No where did I ever see Mazda represent or compare the RX8 to be an RX7. Nissan should have respected the Z legacy and left it alone, and produce the 350Z (not) as a new and special car on its own. Nissan always implied that they were bringing back the Z again, showing pictures of past generations of popular Z's. This is in fact not what they delivered. The old Z's were cutting edge, not cookie cutter. I spend more time trying to figure out if a car is a Z, or just one of the many look alikes (I don't know who copied who). You did not have that problem with the old (one and only) Z's, and you don't have that problem with the RX8. The original Z was the alternative to raw straight line power of the muscle car era, now its an uninovative also ran. In both cases the old saying still hold true. If you can't beat'em, join'em. Nissan has done a very good job of fitting in. Congrats. Enjoy your car named Z.
Wow thats a mouthload of opinions ain't it.

BRx8 08-15-2003 11:18 AM

Originally posted by Blue 350z
Not to kill your fun or anything but all that troll, orc etc talk is extreemly dorky :cool:
so are computers and the Internet, yet you're on both right now :cool:

and yes, i've driven a 350Z...in fact i love them...i have a big poster up in my cubicle at work...i love all the new Nissan's and Infinit's especially the FX45...i bought an RX-8 because of the innovations - the first 4 door, 4 seat rotary powered sports car...i took the plunge and preordered without even sitting in one let alone test driving one...

the 350Z i sat in, drove, researched etc. a year ago and it just didn't do it for me...it's a great car but that's just it, it's a normal car...there's almost nothing innovative about it...why should i trade in my 3000GT for the 350Z? at most i'd lose 2 seats...

the RX-8 was my choice because it suited me better than the 350Z...and as you can see, many people feel the same and there are many that will adamantly stand by their decision in a much harsher tone than the one you're reading right now...so why can't we just leave it at that? you're car is great, it truly is and i'm happy that you like it...but i'm also happy with mine and there's nothing you can possibly say to me that will change that...NOTHING AT ALL...so basically you're wasting your time here...

good day

RX8-U-UP 08-15-2003 11:22 AM

Its good that you didn't own a real Z to know what your missing. Ignorance is bliss, and all of your posts reak of pure bliss.

Blue 350z 08-15-2003 11:33 AM

What exactly is so innovative about the rx8? Is it the Saturn style doors? Is it the so incredible rotary engine? All a rotary engine is to me is a VTec that gets bad gas mileage.

I have tire pressure sensors in my car, Alum suspension and driveshaft, build in stopwatch and an indrediblly efficent and powerful variable intake engine thats all alum and it goes on..

Not trying to be a punk but what is SO innovative with the RX8, just want to know

graphicguy 08-15-2003 11:38 AM

I smell something
Well 350z blue boy....looking at your time slips, the only thing that shows a run with the same car is "Dodge"....something here doesn't smell right. What did you run?

The VIP looks like either an Omni GLH, or a Civic, or a Vette.

Or, are those time slips you conveniently lifted from somewhere else?

Yes, I definitely smell fish in here.

Blue 350z 08-15-2003 11:41 AM

Re: I smell something

Originally posted by graphicguy
Well 350z blue boy....looking at your time slips, the only thing that shows a run with the same car is "Dodge"....something here doesn't smell right. What did you run?

The VIP looks like either an Omni GLH, or a Civic, or a Vette.

Or, are those time slips you conveniently lifted from somewhere else?

Yes, I definitely smell fish in here.

WOW, if you KNEW anything about drag racing you would know that each lane is Sponcered by a company, in this case its the VIP fuel lane and the Dodge Lane, stop being such a dumbass.. And I pencil into the slip what car raced that run, and if you can learn how to read you would see I am car 263.. Why don't you actually go to a drag strip and learn a few things.. :mad:

OmegaBob 08-15-2003 11:48 AM

Originally posted by Blue 350z
I have tire pressure sensors in my car, Alum suspension and driveshaft, build in stopwatch and an indrediblly efficent and powerful variable intake engine thats all alum and it goes on..

Let's not forget the not-so-good interior, the small boot and the tire feathering problems.

Ike 08-15-2003 11:51 AM

Cliffnotes for those of you that don't want to read the whole post.

1.) Blue 350Z comes in and makes some statements that sound a bit trollish
2.) Embittered mod fires back
3.) Troll hides trollish ways
4.) Embittered mod nearly blows a head gasket
5.) Trawling, trolling, trolls, gnomes, orcs, balrogs, and Tolkien are discussed
6.) RX-8 fanboys show to fight the troll, embittered mods exits, orcs, trolls, goblins and the like still linger
7.) Troll shows true colors and calls RX-8 wimpy
8.) RX8-TX makes sensible post and is ignored
9.) Magazine racing abounds
10.) Tweety-Nator does his best Sweden impersonation
11.) Brazil, Renault, Europe blah blah blah...
12.) Stone trolls blah blah blah
13.) Commentator wins title of ultimate fanboy
14.) Shrek, trolls...
15.) Troll insults spelling of others and says "registered after I seen ridicules comments about the 350z."
16.) Gnomes, orcs blah blah blah
17.) Testicles
18.) Troll makes good point
19.) Jesus Herman Christ
20.) Fanboys and Trolls battle for Helms Deep... err.... wait...
21.) Troll calls us all dorks
22.) Genom and Voodoo proclaim their dorkdom proudly
23.) Troll called liar
24.) Troll lashes back and USES CAPITALS and a frowny :( TO SHOW HIS ANGER

RX8-TX 08-15-2003 11:53 AM

Originally posted by Blue 350z
One quick note for you people that blab about acceleration and the official forum excuse of bring it to the twistys (which never happens on the street)

Here is a quote from Car And Driver Mag on the rx8:

Achieving this communication and responsiveness at low limits is not so hard, but the RX-8 does it at 0.91 g, a considerable margin beyond the cornering capabilities of these two competitors. Its transient handling is similarly superior. And the RX-8 is the best stopper of this bunch. Despite these handling advantages, the RX-8 was the slowest at the racetrack , and that's because of a shortage of midrange grunt in its rotary engine. Peak power is decent at 250 horsepower, but it's developed at 8500 rpm. Torque, however, is a mere 159 pound-feet down 111 and 231 pound-feet on the two other cars and it comes at 5500 rpm, which is nearly as high as the others' power peaks. Think Honda S2000 power band, and you get the idea.

Quote from rotary revival: Comparo with rx8, G35C and Stang

Now concidering that it was the slowest in a group that includes the G35C which is 250+ LBS heavier and 7HP down with lower max grip numbers then the 350z it kinda makes your take it to the twistys excuse wear thin..

Also FYI: The max cornering grip of an rx8 = 91g, the 350z is 89g and it weights 300+ more then the RX8.

Also the 5-60 time for the RX was 7.5, the 350z's 5-60 is 5.9 seconds.. So said torque don't matter again?

Would you mind to stop it? Maybe this will help you understand:

<Tarzan Talk> Z & 8 different

Z: fast fast, only Tarzan and Jane sitting.
8: fast. Tarzan, Jane, Chimp, and friend sitting.

Z: 6 cylinders, many litres
8: no cylinders, little litres

Z: don't like it.
8: like it, buy it.

Z: lot of money
8: less lot of money

</Tarzan tallk>

Now, c'mon Blue, drop it. I don't bash the Z, I don't bash the G, I don't bash anything except my old ride (a sub-compact SUV...or whatever you call a RAV) The 8 is my first sports car (yeah...I am taking the license to call it a sports car.)

I test drove an S2K very little, a G35 more often (my boss owns one.) a bare bone Z demo car, and I am still eager to go out an have a taste of what Subaru & Mitsubishi have to offer. However, I can tell that pricewise...the Z is expensive for what it has to offer ME. The Mitsu & Subi are different creatures. The G is out of the questions, it is way more expensive at its basic trim..and forget comparing them at the same options.

You said it, the Z is heavier, the G is heavier. They have bigger engines. They pull stronger straight lines for the simple reason that they've got more TQ working under the hood. No question about it. Do I like the Z or G? Hell yes! If they give them to me for free. The Z & G badges are...lets say....over my price range.

Now, going to the twisties thing: Have you tried to hard corner your Z? I am simply asking you because I don't know how it responds. Then try an 8 (yeah, well I don't know who will let you do that with its car though.)

In any case, I am conscious that the 8 still has to prove itself. I barely came out. Lets check on this group in a couple months. And see what feedback comes from 8 owners (like mea, yeah!)

See, I am happy with my car. Apparently it doesn't have all its ponies down where they are supposed to be. But sorry, I am crazy, I don't care.

Blue 350z 08-15-2003 11:54 AM

Originally posted by OmegaBob

Let's not forget the not-so-good interior, the small boot and the tire feathering problems.

The interior looks pretty sweet to me, also I have heard of 3 total people that had tire feathering and what the hell is a "small boot" :confused:

Hey lets not forget, I heard something about AC cycling, dynoing at 175HP and 124TQ, problems with clutches, sunroof design problems, 13 miles per gallon, oil lights flashing, top speeds of 133 and rough idle.

"People who live in glass houses should not throw stones"

eccles 08-15-2003 11:55 AM

Originally posted by Blue 350z
Also the 5-60 time for the RX was 7.5, the 350z's 5-60 is 5.9 seconds.. So said torque don't matter again?
That's why the Good Lord gave us a clutch and six gears to choose from. At 5mph in 4th, the engine's barely off idle, ferchrissakes. You wanna pull away from a stoplight in 4th, be my guest. I'll use the gearbox, thanks.

Hercules 08-15-2003 11:57 AM

Originally posted by Blue 350z

The interior looks pretty sweet to me, also I have heard of 3 total people that had tire feathering and what the hell is a "small boot" :confused:

Hey lets not forget, I heard something about AC cycling, dynoing at 175HP and 124TQ, problems with clutches, sunroof design problems, 13 miles per gallon, oil lights flashing, top speeds of 133 and rough idle.

"People who live in glass houses should not throw stones"

I think the more apt quote is "People who drive a 350Z shouldn't come to an RX-8 forum to troll."

Or maybe... it's just the way I read it.

Blue 350z 08-15-2003 11:58 AM

Originally posted by eccles
That's why the Good Lord gave us a clutch and six gears to choose from. At 5mph in 4th, the engine's barely off idle, ferchrissakes. You wanna pull away from a stoplight in 4th, be my guest. I'll use the gearbox, thanks.
WTF are you talking about? Who the hell said anything about 5mph in 4th?

Maybe you don't get it..

1st gear mashing the pedel at 5mph to 60mph takes:

The RX-8 = 7.5 seconds
The 350z = 5.9 seconds

get it now?

Also its funny has graphicguy has not responded to me calling him out about his stupid statements on my time slips even as he has been online. That goes to show ya what happens when somebody talks thru his butt.

Winning 08-15-2003 12:01 PM

Originally posted by Blue 350z
Also FYI: The max cornering grip of an rx8 = 91g, the 350z is 89g and it weights 300+ more then the RX8.

Hercules 08-15-2003 12:08 PM

See this is the thing... for most of us, a rolling start of 7.5s is plenty quick if you combine it with the price, handling, build quality and utility of the car.

It's a tradeoff I'm happy to make as are many others. Those that aren't happy with that tradeoff will buy the 350Z or G35C.

Simple as that.

Blue 350z 08-15-2003 12:10 PM

Originally posted by Hercules
See this is the thing... for most of us, a rolling start of 7.5s is plenty quick if you combine it with the price, handling, build quality and utility of the car.

It's a tradeoff I'm happy to make as are many others. Those that aren't happy with that tradeoff will buy the 350Z or G35C.

Simple as that.

I agree, I actually concider any car that can run the 1/4 under 16 seconds plenty fast for any everyday occasion.

Hercules 08-15-2003 12:14 PM

Then why do you continue to troll with the comments about the car?

If you want to debate, we are all open to it. If you want to troll, then you're going to get treated like one.

It's stupid comments that have no base like the car having no interior (where the hell did you pull that one from?) that will cause scrutiny.

Anyways... let's try to be civil, when you are a 350Z owner and want to talk about the RX-8, I think there is a way to do it with TACT. However, thus far none of the people that drive the 350Z or G35 (well, Don and some others are okay) have had that tact, especially as of late. It seems we are just pulling in oodles of trolls and really... who wants to hear that.

graphicguy 08-15-2003 12:32 PM

you calling me out?
Now you're calling me out? Bad mistake on your part bluboy.....

Every race on an official track I've been involved with shows the car make or the owner's name on the slip, regardless of the lane sponsor. I stick by the fact that you've never run your Z on a track.

Remember when I said that no matter how bad you think you are, there's always someone badder?

Bring it.....

Anyone else notice that it seems the vast majority of bluboy's posts are just to trash the RX8?

Oh yea, this "dumbass" is still calling you a liar!!!!!!!

Winning 08-15-2003 12:38 PM

Blue 350Z, let's be friend. You have my respect for buying the 350Z instead of G35C.

I love my RX8, but if I have a lot money, I wouldn't even consider these two cars. Well I might, if already have 911 and M3 in my garage. :D No, I don't want to start on Murcielago and Enzo, at my current pace, it is just impossible.

I always wonder, does everyone love their RX8 or 350Z unconditionally? Would you rather have an M3 or 911?

Hercules 08-15-2003 12:39 PM

I'd take a Lotus Elise over my RX-8. M3 is nice but I've driven it... it is not as easy to throw around, but the power is AWESOME :)

911....we'll see :)

ProtoConVert 08-15-2003 12:40 PM

Originally posted by Blue 350z

Wow thats a mouthload of opinions ain't it.

"AZwhoopin22", think about what you're trying to say, and what hole you're digging yourself in. Don't worry though, because I understand its very easy to get in a car vs car pissmatch, but it really has to stop out of sheer inanity.

The vast majority of these arguments are arguments about cars in whatever stock state of tune they are in... how valid is that? What is the point of arguing about essentially a marketing decision, or an attempt to reach a companies market ideal? because that is what is going on IMO. Gear the car for 60mph topend in 2nd, gear the car for soft suspension so that less people will be turned away because their backs are collapsing. The different choices a company makes in all the factors that can make up a car makes any comparison irrelevant.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that the "stock" criteria-application in all of these arguments gives them weight and credibility of paper-mache.

The only discussion that is relevant to me is the underlying engineering, and that comes out only in high states of tune where components of the car are actually brought to their limits. Here, it doesnt matter where you play, either the track or the dragstrip, but even then it's different applications. Think about where you are in this argument, and if you still want to play, then keep your rag on (in the meantime think RX-7). But you'll probably have to wait a few months until products mature... its just how new cars work. But even then car vs car gets boring... its more like team vs team or driver vs driver.

But anyway, if you are unwilling to bring the argument to any level higher than stock, your arguments are basically as i said before paper mache and your level is pretty well evident on the Pyramid of Speed :). even Skyline Maniac's rants about warranties and Mazda brand name are more useful. THere is a way to discuss other cars without trolling

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