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StealthFox 04-27-2005 12:07 AM

lol they dont intend the 110hp 0 emissions feature for city driving, its for highway driving obviously. also i think that would be pretty cool to have a hydrogen powered 8, as long as it could be modded and such relatively normally compared to other rotaries, because it would stink to be stuck with its stock HP as long as you have the car.

RX8-CARL 04-27-2005 12:11 AM

From what I remember, The tank fills the boot and you only get 110 miles out of it.

rotarygod 04-27-2005 02:11 AM

Originally Posted by Virgil
After looking at the change in weather in my own region, I am starting to buy in to the whole idea of Global warming. People hear about 1.5 degrees global rise in temperature and go big deal, now this is a GLOBAL rise in temp, meaning the overall temperature everywhere is growing up. I agree that to some degree it could be science mixing with politic's but I don't beleive that is all environmental research. We need to be careful all the same and shouldn't completely tune out warnings such as this, after all, we have no precedence for a massive population which inculdes self-destructive technology and a tendency to put ones own well being ahead of the collective's.

This is getting off topic but 80% of the global warming in the 20th century was between 1900-1920. We've been on the same warming trend since the last ice age. It just hasn't stopped and reversed yet. Don't let the environmentalists let you believe it's our fault. The planet has warmed and cooled on it's own dozens of times in history without the aid of industrialization.

Wurmfist 04-27-2005 06:22 AM

Totally agree with rotarygod. And it's not really off topic because that was the start of this whole thing was talkign about the enviroment. Global warming caused by industry is a myth and cannot be proven statistically. We are on the same warming trend the the earth has been doing forever. The malignant narcissists out there that have problems think everything happens because of them when in truth it dosen't. (that's my soap box)

People talk about flooding because the ice-caps are melting is rediculous. Let's go back to your basic elementary science class. Take a half-full glass of water and add three icecubes. Mark a line on the glass at the level of the water. Wait for the ice to melt and then come back, where is your water line? It's at the same level. You know why? BECAUSE THE ICE HAD ALREADY DISPLACED THE WATER IN THE FIRST PLACE! So ice-caps melting isn't going to change the water level one inch because it is already displacing the water. This has been your science lesson for today. I real one, and not just some "hypothetical theory".

zoom44 04-27-2005 10:49 AM

this whole thread was started with the statement "uselessness of the hydrogen rx-8". so the whole premise of the thread is wrong. because the car is not useless in the least. it is driving on the roads right now. approved by the japanese government as well as fueling station also approved. the data they are collecting will only help them make it better stronger faster. remeber that it also has that "electric turbo" so the can use it to better that technology as well. so it is fulfilling its roll as a concept/design study by furthuring the knowledge of the engineers thru testing. that is its purpose after all. that seems entirely USEFUL to me.

as for the water levels- the ice they are worried about is sitting on land- when it melts it will raise ocean levels. also as the oceans warm the expand raising the levels.

Nubo 04-27-2005 12:29 PM

Originally Posted by Wurmfist
People talk about flooding because the ice-caps are melting is rediculous. Let's go back to your basic elementary science class. Take a half-full glass of water and add three icecubes. Mark a line on the glass at the level of the water. Wait for the ice to melt and then come back, where is your water line? It's at the same level. You know why? BECAUSE THE ICE HAD ALREADY DISPLACED THE WATER IN THE FIRST PLACE! So ice-caps melting isn't going to change the water level one inch because it is already displacing the water. This has been your science lesson for today. I real one, and not just some "hypothetical theory".

Today's Geography lesson: Antarctica is a continent. It is not floating ice.

zoom44 04-27-2005 12:32 PM

^thats what I said ^^:D

Roaddemon 04-27-2005 03:28 PM

Read Michael Chritons book "state of fear". The whole global warming theory is BS. He exposes it through this thriller. Billions and billions of enviromentalist's $$$$ are dependant on peoples belief in it. There just is'nt any real proof that global warming is happening and many scientists agree. Heat generated climate changes can happen in heavily populated areas and will grow as our world becomes more populated.

As far as hydrogen fuel is concerned, it's the fuel of the future. Scientist will learn how to produce it cheaply and then watch it take off. Goodby OPEC. our governments would'nt be investing so heavily in hydrogen reserch if it were not feesible. Goverment knows they have something here. Someday water will be our major fuel source.

Navybeardbb 04-27-2005 11:17 PM

that's what that book is called!!!!!!!!!! i'm going to buy it tomorrow thank you i couldn't remember what it is called. And Ryan is right Wurm if the glaciers melt and iceburgs the sea level will rise, i forgot how much. But it's not just the sea level rising that is the problem its kind of like "the day after tomorrow" but not to that extent...

Wurmfist 04-28-2005 07:31 AM

Originally Posted by Nubo
Today's Geography lesson: Antarctica is a continent. It is not floating ice.

I wasn't talking about antartica. Most of the worrying about flooding is talking about the North Pole, which was what I was alluding too. I never mentioned Antartica at all.

Roaddemon 04-28-2005 08:08 AM

Chritons book gives alot of scientific data that glacier melting trends are natural and have subsided since the 1920 -30's and man's ecological interreaction has little or no affect on it. It's all part of nature's global cycle.

Glyphon 04-28-2005 09:04 AM

Originally Posted by Wurmfist
I wasn't talking about antartica. Most of the worrying about flooding is talking about the North Pole, which was what I was alluding too. I never mentioned Antartica at all.

regardless, there is a large amount of ice on land at the north pole, so the same theory applies.

Wurmfist 04-28-2005 09:10 AM

yeah okay, whatever, I give.

zoom44 04-28-2005 10:44 AM

Originally Posted by Roaddemon
Chritons book gives alot of scientific data that glacier melting trends are natural and have subsided since the 1920 -30's and man's ecological interreaction has little or no affect on it. It's all part of nature's global cycle.

ive been saying that for over 10 years but nobody listens to me!! my wife is a wetlands biologist and im always tryign to convince her . slowly but sure;y i have been succeding. im goign to make her read his book next. i pointed it out to he r int he store the otehr day without mentioning what it was about;)

did anyone see scientific american last week about the warming/melting in the tundra ? ahh that show was giving me FITS with its inaccuracies and stupid conclusions!!!

Wurmfist 04-28-2005 11:58 AM

Try being a creationist like I am and trying to watch anything on TV. I cringe all the time.

Navybeardbb 04-28-2005 06:15 PM

i bought state of fear today i'll tell you guys how it is. I bought it on audio tape tho cause they don't make it on paperback until november 2005(seems like bs to me but thats what barns and noble told me). Anyways i'll "Read" it and tell you how it is on monday. Oh yea and the audio tape was on sale, not the hardback...

TheColonel 04-28-2005 07:17 PM

Zoom44, I totally agree with you that for the purposes of R&D, the Hydro RX-8 is usefull. I was just simplay stating that if sold as it stand now, to me the car is useless, as I, if given the choice, would never want to switch to the low power mode, simply because I love driving the 8 as it is.

Geography Lesson for the day: I'm fairly certain there is no land under the northern ice cap.

zoom44 04-28-2005 07:36 PM

yeah me too about the northern ice cap

Aseras 05-11-2005 11:09 PM

Originally Posted by TheColonel
Also, with that united nuclear system... what happens when a Mack truck slams your Corvette from behind at a stoplight? I'd be too afraid of those things going Hindenburg on me... (not that the 16 wheeler wouldn't be likely to kill you anyway...)

bud it's a solid it'd be like it hit a tank of styrfoam except the stryofoam could eat through anyhting organic like that bug fire from starship troopers but still. it wont even burn if you put a torch on it, just pop and smolder.

griffj10 05-12-2005 06:29 AM

Methane from cows
What about the methane from all the cows?? They are the real culprit in this whole global warming problem. Perhaps some Malox in the feed will save the world.

Wurmfist 05-12-2005 06:37 AM

Don't let enviromentalists fool you! They've known that there isn't any such thing as global warming caused by industri for years now. But if they said different they would loose funding and wouldn't get paid. You can't put a cat converter on a volcano, and just one volcano going off puts more crap in the air in one instant than all the years of industry combined. I'm going to say it one more time because it's my Soap box.


it's all a lie!

gjwinn 05-12-2005 10:16 AM

Personally , I'd be very worried if the ambient anual temperature of the planet wasnt rising at a steady rate, after all, we are still coming out of an ice age. Not long now (according to history) til another one is upon us.
Environmentalists should just look at the past, after all, history has a habit of repeatin itself (unless you're a Liverpool fan)!!!

vesfreq 07-03-2006 01:45 AM

Originally Posted by Tamas
Instead of hydrogen, a CNG conversion would be cool. Those can run on both gasoline and natural gas as well. Could such a conversion work with the rotary?
Trouble is, filling the car up with CNG would be an issue.
Where do those buses and taxis fill up that run on CNG?

Just wondering. Does the CNG conversion work on rotary?

I'm from Singapore. For the regular vehicles I heard, the cng tanks are installed in the car boot. Hence, since the 8 has a boot, there should be sufficient space for in car for the extra gas tanks.

For those guys without any need for the seats behind, they can even add more gas tanks at the back.

Also, I think we should not dwell too much into the hydrogen 8, since its really up to mazda to decide what is their strategic direction. Making more posts on feasibility won't yield a better state of affairs, but would instead create more .... unfruitful debates. Just my 2 cents.

rotarygod 07-03-2006 01:49 AM

There used to be a conversion kit in Australia years ago that was for making a rotary run on CNG. It can be done. The rotary will run on almost anything.

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