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Elite-Eight 05-20-2006 06:17 PM

Help me decide...Is the RX-8 worth it?
Well, I wana start out that I just turned 16 and got my liscence. Now, I don't know much about cars but I am starting to learn a lot. First, I want to say that the car looks beautiful. I saw the problems with Engine Flooding and thought it would be easy to overcome, simply don't make short trips. My brother (who works for a Mazda dealership) said that you may need to change the motor every 30,000 miles (if this is true that means I would have to change the motor approximatly 3 times before college). Gas mileage is pretty bad but I could deal with that. Do you NEED Premium gas for that? This car does have some good perfermance which is great for my first car. So I wanted to know if you guys still reccommend this car even though you need to change the motor supposidley. And yes I am new...very new so don't comment harshly please.

Nemesis8 05-20-2006 06:22 PM

No harsh comments, except your dealer bro' is on crack.

Why not get a biodeisel VW that gets 40 MPG on french fry grease?

phroztbyt3 05-20-2006 06:23 PM

u dont need 2 change the motor.. thats ridiculous.... just read on the forums.. keep ur car in good condition... and u'll b running with 80k just fine....

well.. just let ur engine cool off a lil... so if u turn off ur car.. dont start it right away.. wait like 5 minz and it'll b fine.

it DOES need premium.. u can get away without it.. but residue builds up that screws up the car after a while.... premium is definitely expensive.. but worth it for ANY sports car.

supergoat 05-20-2006 06:24 PM

Change the engine every 30,000 miles?? Mental note: Stay away from your brother's dealership. That is just plain WRONG information!

These cars are worth every penny.

Section 8 05-20-2006 06:24 PM

First off, your brother doesn't know what he's talking about. You will NOT need to change the motor every 30K miles. Mazda would be sued by quite a few people if they mass produced a car with a lifespan of 30K miles.

Second, i'm not sure this is a car for a new driver. It's not balls out fast, but you can get bent out of shape quickly if you are inexperienced. Add to that a new driver will have high insurance on an already highish insurance car and you will be paying quite a bit.

Gas milage is what you make of it. We get 22mpg hwy in our RX8 cruising, about 19-20 in the city - however we don't rev it out to 9K at every shift point. That being said, 22mpg is not great, especially with gas prices like they are now and unless you plan on driving very little, you will be spending a lot of money on gas.

The car requires 93 octane. i wouldn't put anything less in ANY rotary. My FD takes 93 and so does the FE.

You won't want to hear this, but if I were you i'd look into getting a used car for your first car. Something that gets good milage, is reliable, and you won't care if it gets wrecked. And get something that is not fast. Trust me I was 16 once too and I'm amazed I'm still alive after doing some of the stupid shit I did - ironically enough in my BROTHER's 1984 RX7.

NotAPreppie 05-20-2006 06:29 PM

Your brother is full of crap. Unless, of course, you are the kind of driver that does awful things to your engine. Having to get a new motor to the tune of $5000+ every 30K miles is an unrealistic expectation for a car company to have these days.

I've been running 89 octane and my car runs fine.

If you can afford an '8, I'd jump on it. I don't doubt that it will be higher maintenance than your average Toyota and Honda but I don't see it being the nightmare that the earlier RX- series were or my '99 Passat was.

That said, and please don't take this the wrong way, I think the RX-8 would be a poor choice for a 16-year-old. You may be mature and a very conscientious driver (and if so, good for you!) but when I was 16, I wasn't definitely not a good match for this car. I thought I was a good driver but I didn't really start to calm down and not be and idiot until my early-mid twenties (23 or so). I think your brother looks at this the same way and that's why he gave you the "new motor every 30K" line.

I wish you the best. The RX-8 is a great car and I hope you enjoy it if you get it.

Detrich 05-20-2006 06:32 PM

well, in japan, the law requires that all cars have their engines changed after 30K miles. (i guess they are all bastard children of al gore? lol) well, they don't drive as much as we do here, because they don't have as many open roads. and, air quality is a top concern over there. they have one of the higher life expectancies compared to the rest of the world. but, being egocentric americans, most of us didn't know that...

Section 8 05-20-2006 06:38 PM

Originally Posted by Detrich
well, in japan, the law requires that all cars have their engines changed after 30K miles. (.

That is an urban myth


Elite-Eight 05-20-2006 06:38 PM

Well I know this doesn't say much but before I got my lisence, I drove 5 cars. When I took my drivers test (which I passed the 1st time) I took it in a car I only drove 2 times and did great. 1 week after my liscence, I drove 7 cars alltogether .But that is not the point. My insurance said I only need to pay 180 a month. I took a drivers ed class that is reducing that lower 160 a month. So really, this car is great on insurance for me. I also don't plan on driving tripple digits on roads yet. Luckly for me, there is an airport 45 minutes away where they let you drive around on a driving course which has no speed limit and nothing. A friend of mine offred a Civic SI which doesnt seem too bad either...but the looks on the RX-8 suck me in to wanting to get it.

P.S.: They told my brother that RX-8's engine dies within 30,000 miles so it wasn't him who orginially came up with that. :Eyecrazy:

Section 8 05-20-2006 06:41 PM

Again, no offense but experience is gained in miles driven - seat time - not the number of vehicles you have driven.

You may do fine in this car, but it is a fairly fast car for a new driver. Just keep that in mind. If you do get it, i highly recommend joining your local SCCA chapter and start doing some autocross. The car will be doing what it was designed to do, and you will learn a boatload about how to control the car properly.

Elite-Eight 05-20-2006 06:53 PM

Like I said, I don't have plans on driving tripple digits on streets for a long long time. Just on some tracks like you provided (thanks by the way). So from what I understand, an RX-8 is very well worth its money? And my insurance will be low. Well anyways...thanks for all the help. :beerchug:

phroztbyt3 05-20-2006 06:58 PM

another noob converted to rotary luv ^_^.... the deed is done. ^O^

tiggerlee 05-20-2006 07:01 PM

Originally Posted by Elite-Eight
My brother (who works for a Mazda dealership) said that you may need to change the motor every 30,000 miles (if this is true that means I would have to change the motor approximatly 3 times before college).

That's wack!!You need to set your brother straight.

tjbourgoyne 05-20-2006 07:18 PM

When you buy it, make sure you fill out the dealership's ID-10T form for your first 3 free engine replacements.

Section 8 05-20-2006 07:29 PM

Originally Posted by tjbourgoyne
When you buy it, make sure you fill out the dealership's ID-10T form for your first 3 free engine replacements.

Them ask them where the ST1 box is so you can carry it in the back of the car?

guy321 05-20-2006 07:31 PM

OH DAMN!! Im at 36k miles!! !I better take my car in for my new engine!

Ericok 05-20-2006 08:18 PM

If you have to change the engine every 30,000 miles - the good news is that the warranty should still be in effect for the first changeout.

NotAPreppie 05-20-2006 08:39 PM

Originally Posted by Elite-Eight
Like I said, I don't have plans on driving tripple digits on streets for a long long time.

You don't have to make it up to triple digits to get yourself into trouble. The energy stored up in a 3000lb vehicle moving at just 40mph would astound you.

Nodoz 05-20-2006 09:29 PM

ok, $180/month for insurance is HIGH! $160/month is still high. i say get the civic si, which still may be too much car for you, but you'll be better off in it, and it'll save you on insurance. plus honda's hold their value well so after you're more comfortable you'll be able to get a good deal when you trade it in for something better.

i remember when i was 16 (hell i remember when i was 19, or when i was 2 weeks younger...) i was so reckless. i know you probably think because you've driven a few cars that you can drive anything, but that's not the case. i work for enterprise. every day i drive anything from a tiny chevy aveo to a 16 passenger van, and let me tell you, you can get in just as much trouble with an aveo as with an rx8, except the 8 will get you there quicker. time in the driver's seat is what makes you a good driver, not being behind the wheel of a lot of cars. knowing how a car will react to increased throttle, oversteer, understeer, skid, weather, ect cannot be gained in the time it takes you from getting a permit to getting a license. looking at what's going on around you while you're driving - seeing the accident that could happen up the road, the car cutting you off, the sudden stop - all this must be expierenced first and many times before you really develop a feel for how you'll react.

sorry for all the ramble. i just don't think this is the car for you or any 16 year old's first car for that matter. get a used car and autocross it for a couple years - gain some real driving expierence on the street and on the track, then you'll be ready. if it has to be a rear drive car, you can get an old 240sx MT for like $2500. it's a nice looking car, has good power and the feel of the power behind you. plus it loves to get sideways!

it's not that i don't want you to have an 8, i just want you to be ready for it.

yiksing 05-20-2006 10:51 PM

I think your brother might have seen enough RX-8 issues that makes him persuade you against. Note that the 8 is fast but don't go racing with someone else coz its not one of the fastest by sportscars standards.

SlowLude 05-21-2006 12:40 AM

Well, the RX-8 is pretty slow.... so it could be a 'safer' car for him to drive!!! :P

OzzieRizz 05-21-2006 01:34 AM

I'm actually kind of in the same situation. Im 17 and I'm looking for a car and I stumbled upon the RX8. Love the looks and it sounds as if its a solid car to start off as a base to make into a fast car. The only difference is, I'm probably looking for a second hand one (probably 20k range) and not a brand new one.

But yeh now you guys making me reconsider.... hm.. Only problem is, I can't seem to find a decent car in the 20k range that has the looks and the speed like the RX8. :dunno: I mean I can get the WRX (which I really like actually), but there will always be this hint of dissapointment in me knowing that its not the STI :sad:

So I don't know. Oh yeh, FYI im definately going to take some sort of advanced driving school. I'm interested in taking part in drift comps (or some sort of racing comp). Which brings up another point I guess.. Is it a good car to drift with? Sounds as if it is because of the awesome handling. But then again I don't really know. All I know is that the RWD factor of the RX8 will do wonders :aroused:

*I just realised that I should add that I won't be racing or drifting in this anytime soon.. probably like 4-5 yrs, if that quick. Just making sure because I know that itll be stupid to do any racing in a new-er car.*

Okay thats all I think :p:

Thanks for you replies!

yiksing 05-21-2006 02:04 AM

If you are gonna mod a car, the WRX will suffice. Why be bothered by the fact that its not an STI if you are gonna swap the parts out. If you are not modding I guess STI it is.

OzzieRizz 05-21-2006 02:23 AM

Thats a good point. But I don't know. I guess its just me, but it just makes me believe that my car is second best since there is a better version of this car :dunno:. I guess its more the "package" and "feel" rather than the speed that I'm reffering to and will be dissapointed with. yeh I know its stupidity but I'd rather wait till I have enough money and buy the real STI

playdoh43 05-21-2006 02:29 AM

yes its worth it

ZOOMNRX8 05-21-2006 02:53 AM

man what did I do wrong, RX8 at 16-17, I mean im only 20 but, I graduated busted balls in college, landed a good job and then got one, no one has ever helped me to afford a car so I believe you then appriciate it more. I just don't want to see you get peer pressured into speeding, drifting whatever, loosing control, crashing car, hitting something/someone, then making your insurance go up, especially after F&F TD comes out. Thats just my oppinion, I could be wrong. To answer your question, yes the RX8 is a great car, looks amazing, sounds good, sucks on gas, comfortable.

Nodoz 05-21-2006 09:17 AM

Originally Posted by OzzieRizz
So I don't know. Oh yeh, FYI im definately going to take some sort of advanced driving school. I'm interested in taking part in drift comps (or some sort of racing comp). Which brings up another point I guess.. Is it a good car to drift with? Sounds as if it is because of the awesome handling. But then again I don't really know. All I know is that the RWD factor of the RX8 will do wonders :aroused:

*I just realised that I should add that I won't be racing or drifting in this anytime soon.. probably like 4-5 yrs, if that quick. Just making sure because I know that itll be stupid to do any racing in a new-er car.*

Okay thats all I think :p:

Thanks for you replies!

neither of these cars is a drift car. wrx isn't for obvious reasons, but it takes a little more to get an 8 to drift. that "awesome handling" you were refering to makes the car want to grip a lot more than go sideways, so you can take right angle corners at 35+ not go sideways through them. it will drift however if you put some money into it, but like i told the other guy, a good 240sx is like $2500 used and it loves getting sideways. it's reliable, and after you've got your skills up you can switch to the 8.

supergoat 05-21-2006 10:37 AM

Originally Posted by ZOOMNRX8
man what did I do wrong, RX8 at 16-17, I mean im only 20 but, I graduated busted balls in college, landed a good job and then got one,

I was thinking the same thing. :hahano: I'm only 24 but also bought/insure mine myself(as well as my other car), and will still be paying for it for the next 5 years! Of course my payments are basically nothing thanks to a huge down payment but still, I WISH I had a car this nice at that age.

mysql101 05-21-2006 10:39 AM

17 y.o and a STI, that's a nice insurance combo.

OzzieRizz 05-21-2006 10:48 AM

Originally Posted by ZOOMNRX8
man what did I do wrong, RX8 at 16-17, I mean im only 20 but, I graduated busted balls in college, landed a good job and then got one, no one has ever helped me to afford a car so I believe you then appriciate it more. I just don't want to see you get peer pressured into speeding, drifting whatever, loosing control, crashing car, hitting something/someone, then making your insurance go up, especially after F&F TD comes out. Thats just my oppinion, I could be wrong. To answer your question, yes the RX8 is a great car, looks amazing, sounds good, sucks on gas, comfortable.

Well its kind of a long story why I can get such a high priced car, but basically, its my parent's "bribe or incentive" to get me to move to the US. Because initially, I was going to stay in Australia and just board at my old school there.
And as for the appreciating part, I am a car freak, so I will be appreciating it. Even though I'm not "paying" for it, I love cars, so I'll do everything in my power to take care of it.

OzzieRizz 05-21-2006 10:50 AM

Originally Posted by Nodoz
neither of these cars is a drift car. wrx isn't for obvious reasons, but it takes a little more to get an 8 to drift. that "awesome handling" you were refering to makes the car want to grip a lot more than go sideways, so you can take right angle corners at 35+ not go sideways through them. it will drift however if you put some money into it, but like i told the other guy, a good 240sx is like $2500 used and it loves getting sideways. it's reliable, and after you've got your skills up you can switch to the 8.

Yeh my friend back in Australia is going to do that. Get an old 240sx and turn it into a drift pig. Hm.. with 20k, I guess you can do a truckload of performance. But I don't know, they have just never appealed to me. BTW, are 240sx RWD or FWD?
I wish Skylines are legal here though. I still can't believe that they are illegal to import. Sucks balls!

Another note, if i was getting one, where would you go to find a 240sx? I mean its not the most popular car here. Where would I find one? And would I be able to find one in a decent condition?

tjbourgoyne 05-21-2006 11:04 AM

Any parent that gives their teenager a sports car as a bribe is complete garbage.

OzzieRizz 05-21-2006 01:59 PM

Why is that garbage? Its like an incentive for something. Like at least I'm earning it in some way. Most people that goes to my school gets like 20 odd thousand dollar cars just because they need a new car.

tjbourgoyne 05-21-2006 02:52 PM

like a bribe is like offering somebody something for like nothing to influence their like decision making process.

Torchmonkey 05-21-2006 02:55 PM

Man, it is absolutely crazy to drop that kind of change on insurance. You should look at something you can buy for cash, keep liability insurance only on it and get the driving experience under your belt. Even if your parents are out of their mind enough to pay for the car and/or insurance, it is irresponsible to do it. As a father of teenage children (I gave them a cheap car and made them pay for their insurance-gas). Further, as a lead-footed 8 driver, I do not recommend this car to anyone who hasn't had a couple of thousand hours behind the wheel. The RX-8 will be there when you're ready. Hopefully, you will be able to afford it yourself...nothing like earning what you want.

soldano 05-21-2006 03:07 PM

Originally Posted by OzzieRizz
Like at least I'm earning it in some way.

you are not like earning it like AT ALL

ps like

tjbourgoyne 05-21-2006 03:21 PM

It doesn't matter if she earned it. What does matter is giving a teenager a sports car who thinks the engine needs replacement at 30,000 miles. That scares me!

musclecarconvrt 05-21-2006 03:30 PM

Wow, what a country. 16-17 y/o getting free sports cars for good behaviour! My first car was older than I was, wieghed about 4000lbs, and cost my dad a cool $150 dollars to get it out of the nieghbors weeds. A gallon of Bondo and a case of grey primer spraypaint later I was on the road! Count your selves blessed young ones (under 20!).

btw my RX8 has 51,000 engine replacement free miles on it. Guess I forgot to take mine in last year. ;-)

Ice Blue 05-21-2006 06:36 PM

As a kids first car I would not recommend a nice new car sorry. But let’s just give you the benefit that your a mature responsibly teenager without the desire to mod and hack and rice out your car. Then yes it would be a great car.

If you want to race it around and put something other then an air intake a catback and rims then don’t buy it. It cost too much chedda to mod right.

If I did it again I would have 20k set aside and buy a more base model and mod it. Knowingly most moding would be custom fabed mucho cheddar.

So consider that if you treat it responsibly it will be a good car for anyone.

Nodoz 05-21-2006 06:40 PM

Originally Posted by OzzieRizz
BTW, are 240sx RWD or FWD?
I wish Skylines are legal here though. I still can't believe that they are illegal to import. Sucks balls!

Another note, if i was getting one, where would you go to find a 240sx? I mean its not the most popular car here. Where would I find one? And would I be able to find one in a decent condition?

do i really have to answer the first question? :icon_no2:

if you're in the states just go to autotrader.com or cars.com to find one. it shouldn't be too hard to get one in good condition. hell there's one for sale at a car shop where i live for $2500 right now. i'd buy it if it wouldn't jack up my insurance another $200/year. (still got a credit card to pay off - plus i want to get a bike). another car you may want to think about is an old bimer. you should be able to find an early 90s/late 80s mt bmw for $3-$5k. then you just add a limited slip diff to it and you're set. i'd recommend an fb or fc, but it's harder to find one you don't have to put money into right away.

i almost forgot. you can get a 1st gen miata for $2-$5k also and not only will you be a king of autocross in it, all the girls will want to ride with you in you're convertable roadster.

HolyCross05 05-21-2006 06:46 PM

I'm praying that you don't get the 8

OzzieRizz 05-21-2006 07:38 PM

Okay half-way through writing a response I realized why the hell am I justifying myself for getting a car that I seem to love. So basically I still don't know if I'm getting one or not.

I thank you all for your responses but in the end, it comes down to my choice anyway. So yeh.

Ahahha sorry about asking that Nodoz. I was kind of in the middle of it, so I might aswell just asked "while in Rome" =P
But yeh I'll think about them. The thing I don't like about getting a 240sx is because its probably close to imposible to finding one that is bare-bone stock. So like I said, I don't know. Im still considering my options.

Just one thing I don't understand though is why you all think sports cars are so "dangerous" for teenagers. Yes they are dangerous because they are fast but compared to a truck or 4wd, which a LOT of teenagers have, they seem like.. innocent. A sports car is dangerous if its going fast only. A truck or 4wd is dangerous 24/7 no matter how fast or slow you are going. So yeh, I just can't seem to understand you guy's theory on that.

But on a last note:

Originally Posted by Ice Blue
So consider that if you treat it responsibly it will be a good car for anyone.

And I will definately treat it like a queen.

Elite-Eight 05-21-2006 08:41 PM

I don't know why but I am really attracted to this car. I have no plans on moding it up, I simply want to keep it stocked and then after this car dies, I am getting a Lancer Evolution (probably an 8 unless they come out with a better one within 10 years). Once I get the Evo, then I plan on really getting into upgrades and mods and what not. I hear what you guys are saying about not getting this car. But, I simply want to drive it like a casual car to work and where ever else. I mainly want it because it is 4 doors and it is a sports car. That's another question I want to ask, is getting in the back seets hard? I know there are 4 doors but is it still hard to get in? But I really want to thank you for your opinions! :fingersx:

tjbourgoyne 05-21-2006 10:10 PM

Seriously, I don't think the car is a good fit for you. Yes, it looks great, but the other qualities of easy rear entry and casual driving put you in another market. You would also have to appreciate the rotory engine, something you have yet to mention.

Nodoz 05-21-2006 10:30 PM

it's not just sports cars. i'm more afriad of newly licensed drivers in suvs rear ending me like a year ago before i got my 8. and i'm not saying you shouldn't have one at your age, i just feel someone your age should have more experience before owning one. prove you can handle 150hp before 200+hp. now if you'd have said you used to compete in karts as a kid or scca or some other motorsport, then i'd have less of a problem with you having an 8 for your first car. granted i still feel any 16-19 year old isn't really mature enough on the road to have a sports car (most adults aren't either including myself) if you can seriously prove you can handle it then i'd be ok with it.

anyways don't let me or anyone else persuade you from what you want to do. i just want you to be aware of your options. as you said it is your decision to make, and you have to live with it. chose wisely

Ice Blue 05-22-2006 01:00 AM

Originally Posted by Nodoz
it's not just sports cars. i'm more afriad of newly licensed drivers in suvs rear ending me like a year ago before i got my 8. and i'm not saying you shouldn't have one at your age, i just feel someone your age should have more experience before owning one. prove you can handle 150hp before 200+hp. now if you'd have said you used to compete in karts as a kid or scca or some other motorsport, then i'd have less of a problem with you having an 8 for your first car. granted i still feel any 16-19 year old isn't really mature enough on the road to have a sports car (most adults aren't either including myself) if you can seriously prove you can handle it then i'd be ok with it.

anyways don't let me or anyone else persuade you from what you want to do. i just want you to be aware of your options. as you said it is your decision to make, and you have to live with it. chose wisely

I have to agree with you. I am 22 now and raced karts and shift carts since I was 11 and raced motocross since I was 3. I got a miata when I was 16 and I still was not mature enough for it. I treated it superb but riced it out. You don’t know at that age but when you’re older you can put the pieces together. I know the 16yr old poster will just brush this off his shoulder. It is young and you don’t think and he will know in a few year. A car is dangers and a blessing, young ignorance can bite you quick.

I built / still building a car for my gf that if you look at it the wrong way it will kill you. But I made her go to driving school and I trained her prior before she is aloud to drive the car or me give it back to her. Safety being the first priority. So driving a capable car is only half the puzzle be safe out there it’s not just your life.

NotAPreppie 05-22-2006 07:29 AM

I don't agree with your parent's methods but if I were in your shoes, I sure as hell would NOT pass up an opportunity like this.

Consider the negative responses about "bribery" and parenting methods proof that most people don't get this kind of opportunity and you should be very thankful.

Be very, very carefull. One could take your comparison to trucks and SUVs and analogize it to the difference between a .22 rimfire (Boyscout rifle) and .50 AE (Desert Eagle pistol). Sure, one will do more damage, but both are lethal. Speed is lethal regardless of car type.

DON'T UNDERESTIMATE HOW MUCH ENERGY A 3,000LB CAR HAS AT JUST 40Mph!!! That's not very fast but it is fast enough to kill.

OzzieRizz 05-22-2006 01:31 PM

Originally Posted by NotAPreppie
I don't agree with your parent's methods but if I were in your shoes, I sure as hell would NOT pass up an opportunity like this.

Consider the negative responses about "bribery" and parenting methods proof that most people don't get this kind of opportunity and you should be very thankful.

Be very, very carefull. One could take your comparison to trucks and SUVs and analogize it to the difference between a .22 rimfire (Boyscout rifle) and .50 AE (Desert Eagle pistol). Sure, one will do more damage, but both are lethal. Speed is lethal regardless of car type.

DON'T UNDERESTIMATE HOW MUCH ENERGY A 3,000LB CAR HAS AT JUST 40Mph!!! That's not very fast but it is fast enough to kill.

AHhaaha well I was surprised myself that my parents did this. But to think about it, its basically just using the money that would have otherwise been spent on my boarding school and living cost in Australia on the car. But either way you look at it, I am definately greatful because if it wasn't for the move, I would have probably got a 92 Civic... if that......

But yeh I understand that any car for that matter is lethal, but its just kind of hypocritical that there is no problem with teenagers driving a truck or a big 4wd, but when a bit of speed comes to it, all hell breaks loose about it.

Elite-Eight 05-22-2006 05:01 PM

Trust me...I appreciate Rotars. My brother has an FC with a 20b in it... I am quite appreciative of that baby. :evil_laug I know this is wrong but at 12 I started driving a 1994 Chevy Suburban in the back woods to my camp. I have been driving it ever since but only up there. So I actually have a lot of off road expirence which isn't saying much due to the fact that there are no passing cars or anything. As of latley, my father purchased himself a 2006 Chevy Suburban and I am suprised he has the balls to let me drive that on the PA Turnpike. I really do thank you guys for your opinions and I have been looking into other cars; however, my father thinks I have enough road time to drive the RX-8. I guess I will let the decision come naturally?

silvernite8 05-22-2006 05:45 PM

if my parents offered me an 8 as a first car i wouldn't hesitate I'll go for it
I would definitely take that offer. I got a 95 Nissan Maxima as a first car. So you are lucky to get offered an 8 as a first car

Just remember driving is a privilege

about that 30,000 miles engine problem... i think i may have brought the wrong car :mdrmed:

gl with any future car you drive- just be safe

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