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FnL 02-27-2003 09:01 PM

first car
what do u guys think of the rx8 as a first car. Im 17 and will be getting my first car for my senior year this summer. Ive been driving around in my bros IS300 and my dads v6 mustang for the last year for my expiernce. So its not my first car that i will actually drive in it will be my first owned car.

ps u think it will be hot with the chicks at high school?:D

tribal azn 02-27-2003 09:04 PM

Re: first car

Originally posted by FnL
what do u guys think of the rx8 as a first car. Im 17 and will be getting my first car for my senior year this summer. Ive been driving around in my bros IS300 and my dads v6 mustang for the last year for my expiernce. So its not my first car that i will actually drive in it will be my first owned car.

ps u think it will be hot with the chicks at high school?:D

hello fellow 17 year old senior:)

Hercules 02-27-2003 09:23 PM

Honestly if I were 17, I'd LOVE the RX-8.

But being 23 now and having grown quite a bit, I'd tell 17 year old drivers to stay away from such a high priced car.

Consider first the payments. Then consider insurance. Then consider gas as well. Then ask yourself if you are going to further education (college?).

These factors play a HUGE role in getting a car. Personally if *you* are not making the money to support the car, don't buy it. And I mean *you* alone. It's great when parents buy you a car but as I've learned by SUFFERING all through college with a Millenia that I bought with my *own* money, even with low payments and insurance under my parent's name... I really had a hard time.

I had to decide whether to go out with my friends or have gas money. I had to decide whether I could indulge in something small I wanted or pay for the car that month and have it get repossesed if I couldn't.

And let me add also, that teenagers are more apt to (and this is based on HORMONES, nothing personal hehe) to do stupid things while driving like showing off for a girl, whatever.. I've been there and fortunately my Millenia was only 170 horsepower else I'd be in a WHOLE different situation. Accidents for teens and in general for people under the age of 21 are far higher than the rest of the age groups. It's just the way it is.

For a first car, I'd recommend to you what I'm going to get my sister. A Miata. It will teach you control, balance, proper technique and isn't powerful enough to get you killed. It is powerful enough however, to have a *lot* of fun with. And there are an unbelievable amount of mods you can do.

The alternative would be to get a 90-92 RX-7. You can get into a nice convertible that has good power, great handling for around 7 grand. And with the money you save on either car, you can get mods done to make your car more fun as you learn.

But getting a brand spanking new car is something I did and it was stupid. I never got into an accident but the body of the car suffered SO much abuse due to my not being careful and not knowing any better. I'd rather abuse an older car that will be my 'learning' car, and when I get out of college and have all the experience of beating the crap out of my first car done, I'll be ready and much more appreciative of the car I want with the money I'm earning alone.

This is of course my opinion and while you're 17 you might look at it as I would have.. that I don't know what I'm talking about. But when you get to being 23, 24 years old and look back.. you'll have the same advice for people asking just like you are.

P00Man 02-27-2003 09:31 PM

thing is, he's right, although we (17-18 yr olds) really dont wanna listen. the rx-8 is also going to be my first car, to an almost definate certainty.
Im not crazy enough to drive fast though, i just like the looks of it, and that its unique in being a rotary and the doors and all.
Hotels in mexico

MattFast 02-28-2003 05:46 AM

Are you gonna buy the car yourself of is your daddy that rich..?:mad:

Midnight Flyer 02-28-2003 09:19 AM

I would second the suggestion of getting an older Miata as a first car. The insurance is low, you are less likely to get into trouble and the car handles well enough to get you out of trouble. An older RX7 might also be a good idea. You can also do a lot of mods to make it really yours.

I got a 91 MX5 for my son to learn to drive in and for the family to race with. He has taken performance driving courses both in the summer and winter so he can learn how to drive the car well. He is also learning to work on the car both at school and at home.

Also, if and when he gets into an accident I won't care too much if the car is totalled as I did not pay much for it. The MX5 handles very well so hopefully he can use it and his training to stay out of trouble. It has the advantage of also being a really fun car, drop the top and it looks cool and he can only take one passenger along so he can't be goaded into doing something stupid. I hope.

Getting a $30K car for a 17 year old is an invitation to trouble, I don't care how rich daddy is.

fritts 02-28-2003 09:31 AM

I don't think anyone under the age of 18 really should be driving an 8. If there are your parents are either a. RICH or b. STUPID. Or could be a combination of both. If you can afford it and your around that age well you probably should be putting your money somewhere else. But I am sure the RX-7 guys are hoping there are plenty of young drivers, that way they have some wreck engines to shoe horn into their cars. :D

laferle 02-28-2003 10:06 AM

I agree that an RX-8 wouldn't be a very good first car, but I don't think that no one under the age of 18 should be permitted to own one.

No teenager is alike, and it's unwise to generalize. My first car is my current car, a 97 prelude (auto). I've been driving it for the better part of two years (I'm 17), and have proven my responsibility as a driver. I'll be driving an RX-8 this summer. It's an automatic, yes, but that also means that it's only 15 horses more than my Prelude. It won't be insured under my name, so that's not an issue. To say that every teenage driver should not own an RX-8 is unfair to those of us who are responsible drivers. Sure, I could name any number of teens who shouldn't be trusted with one, but I could match that with many who could.

And more importantly, what is your place to say that someone should or shouldn't drive a given car? Unless said individual happens to collide with you, how will it affect you? Is it that you're afraid your car will be considered a "teen car" or the rich boy's rice burner? You're passing judgement on the driver, and in some cases the parents of the driver, without even being aware of the circumstances or factors behind the decision.

fritts 02-28-2003 10:37 AM

I can generalize and will because most wrecks I see around here are caused by teenagers. Sorry if your a teen but I don't believe you should be in the 8. I know its my opinion and all but I don't trust any other driver on the road besided myself. And I tell you what I am much more cautious driving around teenagers. I have been hit by a teenager before, and I am sure it will happen again, their fault of course not paying attention to the road. I think that the US should increase the driving age to 18. I don't believe the majority of teens actually are mature enough to handle a vehicle. I am not even taking into account the type of car the 8 is. The car produces 250 hp it is a sports car by all rights it will accelerate fast and handle corners well. Most teenagers don't have enough experience or behind the wheel time, counted in years not months, to properly drive a vehicle with this much power. The same goes for motorcycles. Even though its a small percentage of teens that drive motorcycles around here, you can't get by more than 6 months without hearing some kid killed himself on his crotch rocket.

I don't care about the circumstances behind a teen owning an 8 I don't believe you or any other teen should have one. Sorry but I don't know you or trust you have enough experience to drive one. So therefore I will judge you and anyone that's a teenager and generalize that you are a bad driver.

And, No I don't care about the stigma associated with the car.

justinm2 02-28-2003 10:53 AM

I dont think raising the driving age to 18 would accomplish anything but putting a bunch of inexperienced 18-20 year olds behind the wheel. plus kids would be graduating from high school with no work experience, because no one will hire someone without a license. I think they should make driving school mandatory in order to get your license. As far as whether or not a teenager should be in an rx8, I would say for the most part your right, they have no business in a performance car. However you can't say that about all of them. I bought an rx-7 as my first car a week before I turned 16. I drove it everyday until I was 20. Since then i've had 7 other rx-7's and a b3000 pickup. The only time any of them ever came in contact with with another vehicle was being rear-ended by three different adults ranging from mid thirties - one that was probably pushing 90 years of age. I'm not going to say I didn't do some stupid things, but every teenager is going to regardless of what kind of car they're in.

jonalan 02-28-2003 10:59 AM

I agree with you 100% on the mandatory driving school thing! I also think there should be re-testing every 20-30 years or so. It's kind of scary to believe there are 70, 80 90 year olds driving cars that maybe shouldn't be.

pelucidor 02-28-2003 11:02 AM

Based on my personal experience I would not allow my kids to have a brand new car at when they first start to drive - I would require them to have 2-3 years of accident-free driving experience first with an old but safe car. When I initially started driving in 1984 I had many narrow escapes, spun out several times, and had several accidents (wrote off 2 old and crappy cars worth about $2000 total for my parents in 2 years :o). The first car of my own (a used '86 Peugeot GTi after university and starting work) was vastly faster and better in every way than the 1970's Ford Cortina and Vauxhall Viva I helped off the road, and I had no problems with it at all (often hitting it's 125mph top speed) and no accidents since (not even a scratch in 15+ years - partly luck of course).

But as laferle said, all kids and their families are different. If my parents could have afforded a car without bald tires and perhaps with vaguely decent brakes/handling and other 'safety' features maybe I would not have wrecked them. Maybe he is a safer/better/less aggressive driver than I was in those days - he is certainly more experienced having already driven for almost 2 years at age 17 (in England you cannot start driving until you are 18 and I was 19 before my parents unwisely let me borrow their car).

If laferle and others in this fortunate position can APPRECIATE and RESPECT what they are getting (regardless of who pays the bills) and perhaps invest in some proper driver training to go with it then why not go for it - there are other more dangerous things out there a youngster can experience than a powerful car.

laferle 02-28-2003 12:13 PM

Sadly I don't disagree with you that teens have a significant cut of the accident age demographic, but let's face it; a vast majority of those accidents have little to do with a performance car. Unless it involves losing control of the vehicle, an accident is probably due more to inexperience, inattentiveness, ignorance, or arrogance than to the type of car he/she drives (assuming of course that the type of car doesn't affect the driver's mentality).

You state yourself that when you've been in accidents with teens it's due to inattentiveness on their part. Wouldn't it be just as likely (or perhaps likelier) that they'd be just as inattentive in a late-80s Buick compared to an RX-8? You generalize that all teenagers shouldn't be driving performance cars, yet you continually use phrases like "most teenagers" and "a majority of" them -- implying a subset of them (of which there certainly is) that is mature enough and responsible enough to handle a car like the 8. Finally, don't compare an 8 to a motorcycle. Two totally different beasts, of which I'm disgusted by the latter -- with all due respect to motorcycle riders.

Now I know that examples are generally useless, but at my high school (a 300-student catholic school in metro detroit), there are two students who we'll call Student A and Student B. Both are 17 years old and in the same class. Student A drives an early 90s Ford Ranger. Student B drives a black 2003 Mercedes-Benz C320 Sports Coupe. One has been in three accidents (in one, the car wasn't drivable post-accident), and the other has a spotless driving record, even with a 20 minute commute to school every day. As you might have guessed, the Benz owner has the spotless record. It's not all about the car you drive; it's your driving habits in general. Student A is likely of the variety that you've been involved with, and likely that which you base your universal condemnation of teen drivers upon. But what about the kid who has a nice performance/luxury car, yet remains a responsible driver? Should he be condemned with the accident-prone kamikaze Ranger driver just because of his age? As a disclaimer, both students really exist and neither has been exaggerated. And no, neither one is me.

I don't care about the circumstances behind a teen owning an 8 I don't believe you or any other teen should have one. Sorry but I don't know you or trust you have enough experience to drive one. So therefore I will judge you and anyone that's a teenager and generalize that you are a bad driver.
What a lovely attitude. "I don't know you, I've never seen you or your driving habits, but you're a teenager, and therefore you're a bad driver." It's good to know prejudice is alive and well in today's society.

edit: for clarity

Hercules 02-28-2003 12:41 PM

I think if teens are going to get the RX-8, get the auto as laferle did. It's cheaper, lighter on insurance, and will show you the 'ropes' of getting into something more powerful.

And it will satisfy your need to 'look cool' in front of your friends. But that is something far beyond me.

Cihuuy 02-28-2003 01:20 PM

Fnl: wow... lots of ppl giving u advice on whether or not u should drive the rx8... hahaha... dont worry... they love u man... coz they all love the 8 not to be wreaked by a teenager... :p

Personally if you have $$$, ill say but the 8... i've seen many teenager who can drive, but i also know a lot of teenager who can not take the responsibility on the road!!!

As for starter, y not register yourself in racing school... y know those clubs that teaches you how to control your car and all...??
Just a thought... :D

P00Man 02-28-2003 01:22 PM

i really couldnt drive an auto.....ive grown up on a manual, and when i did my 6 hours driving with an instructor, and the final road test, both were automatic vehicles and made it much more difficult. its way to boring and makes it harder to stay focused.

at any rate, anyone driving any vehicle should remember that regardless of what car it is, or whatever it is, it has more than enough power to quickly (or slowly) end their life, or maim them.

The only way to avoid an accident in any car is to drive safely and responsibly. The car itself has almost nothing to do with it, it all has to do with the mantality of the driver. Sure, a more powerful vehicle will accelarate faster, one may handle better or stop more quickly, but that doesnt mean that a particular driver will drive in a way that could cause an accident.
Ebony live

Hercules 02-28-2003 01:30 PM

Okay but here's the deal then :)

If you get into an accident with your RX-8 and it's your fault because of your stupidity... you can't ever post here again :)

We will all yell at you otherwise! :D

hehe :)

P00Man 02-28-2003 01:35 PM

blahAHAHAHA, if i crash that thing ill never forgive myself. id torture myself daily staring at pictures and watching the videos, constantly reminding myself of my idiocy.
Peter Whitehead (Racing Driver)

Cihuuy 02-28-2003 01:38 PM

if you get an accident because of your ignorance and ended d live of 1 of rx8.. you will be punish for life by the "rotary-GOD"... :D

P00Man 02-28-2003 01:39 PM

Vaporizer Review

fritts 02-28-2003 01:44 PM

My suggestions about the motorcycle and the 8 was that they are high performance machines and most teenagers will be bound and determine to test the limits of that machine. Even though they don't have the experience to do so. In any case a car can be dangerous but when you make the car capable of being even more dangerous by making it powerfull you have an even worse situation.

As to my attitude, I think that when you are 5-6 years older you will start to see where teenagers drivers should be considered major liabilities.

The prejudice in my opinion I believed to be warranted. To many teenager drivers kill and are killed because of immaturity. Because you can't weed through teenagers for maturity, I will consider all of you to be liabilities and unsafe. To me that is the safe option. My hopes are that the government will start acting on this too and raise the drivers ages or prolong permits to a couple years of driving with parents. Which I have heard of several laws have been presented to do just that.

justinm2 02-28-2003 01:51 PM

being as most of them have parents with no business behind the wheel of a car that doesn't accomplish a whole lot.

P00Man 02-28-2003 01:54 PM

yeah, that really isnt a solution.
Black Live

fritts 02-28-2003 02:12 PM

hooray for the public transit system then.

I don't know why its not. Our state I believe requires drivers with permits to drive with an adult.

Y&Y 02-28-2003 02:47 PM


Just get the 8. I'm with you all the way. I agree that teenagers are just bad drivers in general me used to being one. But since you already have experience driving two powerful cars, it shouldn't be a problem for you to drive the 8. But you should get the 8 with manual. You'll definitely have more control over your speed and worry less about your tranny.

ps u think it will be hot with the chicks at high school?
Oh yeah the chicks would love it. With my experience with MOST of the girls I have met. Either they know nothing about cars or they don't really care. As long as it looks nice and fast. And they won't even know the difference. Hell you can drive a freaking ferrari and have a civic engine in it and they won't even know the difference.

Just don't try to impress the girls by driving fast or drive around like a monkey on meth(speed).:D

RX-Nut 02-28-2003 03:11 PM

I say congrats to you if this is gonna be your first car. Treat it well and consider yourself very fortunate!

I for one would have loved an FD back when I was 18, but no way in hell would I ever had been able to buy one on my own, or even have my parents buy it. I consider myself fortunate to have bought my long gone, used 1st G '84 GSL-SE back in 92. My first rotary experience! ;)

A $30K car at 18 is something to behold regardless on how you're getting it. How are you youngins getting it BTW? Hehe :p

P00Man 02-28-2003 05:35 PM

that was a pretty nasty comment...

RX-Nut 02-28-2003 05:37 PM

which? my post? hope not.. I didnt mean it to be nasty in any way shape or form..

please explain.. :confused:

P00Man 02-28-2003 05:44 PM

nasty as in vulgar.....
Paxil Side Effect

RX-Nut 02-28-2003 05:46 PM

ahh. now that I read it over.. ya.

someone once showed me this little trick called the edit haha

P00Man 02-28-2003 05:48 PM


danielk015 02-28-2003 05:54 PM

These guys, no matter what their age, should be able to drive watever they want... it is a free country right??? you can blame their parents if they are dumb enough to spoil their kids with 30K cars... sorry, no offense guys... but if you do get one, more power to you guys... you will definitely be hooking up with plenty of chicks LOL... peace

P00Man 02-28-2003 05:56 PM


fritts 02-28-2003 05:59 PM

If its the car that gets the chicks somethings seriously wrong with you. Or the quality of your women is pretty sad...

danielk015 02-28-2003 06:09 PM

fritts, i agree... but to some kids in hs, i think as long as they look decent, its all good....

ohhno15 02-28-2003 11:55 PM

I think that the US should increase the driving age to 18.
--Yeah right Fritts. I'm 21 so I don't care, but think about how great it was when you turned 16 to get a license.

--Also, the majority of accidents happen to 16-17 yr. olds due to lack of experience. Up the drving age and then the majority of accidents would happen to those aged 18-19. Either way the people who have driven the least will get in the most accidents.
(When you turn 18 or 21 or whatever no magic switch happens that says you'll be responsible enough to drive or drink or whatever the law says.)

--People are different. Maturity can't be based on age alone. There are mature 16 yr olds who can handle driving just fine, and there are immature 25 yr olds who get trashed and drive like idiots.

--If you're a responsible driver at 16, go ahead and drive. Just be mature about how you handle yourself so old people like Fritts don't act like grandpa safety nazi. "Crazy Kids!!!"

fritts 03-01-2003 10:09 AM

Thats funny because I'm actually only 24. I have two younger siblings both of which have been involved in accidents. I know that there is not a magical age at which you become mature but at least the majority of people will have becoming at least a little more mature during the two years between 16 and 18. Yes maturity can be based on age. It sucks for those that are mature yes but overall its safer.

FnL 03-01-2003 03:12 PM

Thx for all the suggestion guys.

For the racing school thing, I live in a small ass town and the nearest thing i have to racing school are the go kart parks. Im a responsible driver. And to the ppl saying all teens cant drive: a 28 yr old made a right turn from the left lane crashing into me and destroying the front of my brothers lexus. So theres that for making 18 the liscens age.

And for the rich parents thing. I live in a middle class family. Ive been working at jack in the mofo box for about a year saving up for about a year now saving up for a down payment. My parents are gonna help me out a lot still.

Midnight Flyer 03-03-2003 03:01 PM

Not to discourage you from getting the 8 but I was just wondering how much money you will have left over once you pay for the 8 and then the insurance. I admire that you are responsible enough to work to help pay for the car but it costs a lot of money for a young driver. We purchased a 91 Miata for my son for $4K and it will cost about $3K per year just for PL/PD. The car is cheap enough that I don't care if he totals it, so I did not get collision/comp. but the insurance for one year is almost as much as the car.

The money you save by buying something cheaper could be used for mods or to put towards going to a 1 week school somewhere like Panoz. If you search on the web you may be surprised to find a school close enough that you can go and take lessons.

I don't put all teens in the same category. My son has taken drivers ed as well as two autox and a winter driving school at my expense. He has also competed in 3 autoxes. I want to make sure he learns how to drive well. At the winter driving school the instructor told me that while he would not let most 18 year olds in his neighbourhood drive his go kart, he would have no problems putting my 16 year old son into his race car.

Whatever you decide I hope it works out well for you.

RX8FanMan 03-03-2003 04:57 PM

yeah im 15 and I will be 16 this June and be getting my license then. I am trying to convince my parents. My dad says maybe. My mother doesn't even want to hear about a sports car.

RX-Nut 03-03-2003 05:02 PM

16?! Wow.. good luck getting an RX-8 at that age. Sheesh, I'm jealous! Are your folks rich or something?!?

rAiN 03-06-2003 09:33 PM

well... i was going to get a new V6 accord coupe.. but when i saw this Rx-8's prize.. i changed my mind...

they are almost same prize...

and i am 17 also who is going to get car for first time...

ive been driving my dad's car which is m3 2002 so.. i wont really have problem with fast car....

sorry about the poor english.. i am asian..

if my english are wrong.. please correct me... so i can learn.. hehe

tribal azn 03-06-2003 09:53 PM

Originally posted by rAiN
well... i was going to get a new V6 accord coupe.. but when i saw this Rx-8's prize.. i changed my mind...

they are almost same prize...

and i am 17 also who is going to get car for first time...

ive been driving my dad's car which is m3 2002 so.. i wont really have problem with fast car....

sorry about the poor english.. i am asian..

if my english are wrong.. please correct me... so i can learn.. hehe

damn bro, im 17 too, drive a bmw too, is azn too, and i also no speaka english well!!!

BillK 03-11-2003 07:21 AM

Yeah, if you're 17 and have the cash (or the parents with the cash) to get a new RX-8, that's great, but one other thing you may want to check is how much your insurance agent drools at the thought of insuring you for said vehicle.

Then again, if you've got the money for the car, another $2K/year for insurance is probably no biggie either...

Midnight Flyer 03-11-2003 08:27 AM

2K for insurance??? who are you insuring with. I just got a quote for my son to drive a 91 Miata with just PL/PD and they asked 2.5K per year. If I got a new 8, I would want coverage up the wazoo so that if I had an accident I would get the vehicle replaced. For the 91 Miata that would be more then the value of the car.

Have fun.

rael 03-11-2003 12:13 PM

I'm 15 and have been driving on my Dad tractor on our farm in the middle of Kent (farming country for those who only know the cig) for 4 years. On a good day with the slope and breeze behind me and no shit bucket trailor I can do 20 mph. I told my dad that I wanted to go faster and could I please have a RX8. He said okay but I would have to stop fukcing the donkey. Considering my needs at 15 I decided on the donkey.

Anybody can buy a RX8 but driving is a learning curve. If you have the money and can afford the car, insurance, running costs then you would be wiser to buy a cheaper 2 seater and blow the rest on women and wine. At that age you will not keep the car long as the police will be stopping you every 2 minute presuming you stole it. (Or you may be luckly enough to know a donkey....)

Farmer Giles son

P00Man 03-11-2003 06:53 PM

first off, thats fucking disgutsting

2nd, yeah, insurance is a pain in the ass, pricey too.
Toyota Ecom Specifications

rAiN 03-12-2003 07:14 AM

i dont care how much does insurance cost.. hehe

maybe 500 dollor per month??

when i called insurance comany aobut the supra tt (which i was going to get but i couldnt find good new mint condition with low milage so i give up).. and they told me to pay 500 dollor per month..

and rx8 has hell lot lower horsepower.. so.. itll be cheaper...

i can cover that..

said7 03-12-2003 07:49 AM

I'm 15 and have been driving on my Dad tractor on our farm in the middle of Kent (farming country for those who only know the cig) for 4 years. On a good day with the slope and breeze behind me and no shit bucket trailor I can do 20 mph. I told my dad that I wanted to go faster and could I please have a RX8. He said okay but I would have to stop fukcing the donkey. Considering my needs at 15 I decided on the donkey.

and rx8 has hell lot lower horsepower.. so.. itll be cheaper...
Isnt the Supra rated at 260 10 hp isnt a big difference.

rAiN 03-12-2003 08:56 AM

twinturbo is over 300 hp i heard..

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