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-   -   I love my 8 but xmas flooding sux (https://www.rx8club.com/series-i-trouble-shooting-95/i-love-my-8-but-xmas-flooding-sux-79268/)

swoope 12-26-2005 03:15 AM

Originally Posted by JunJTan
that's why i traded my RX-8 for a different car after i owned it for 10 months, even i lost alot money on the trade. because i got it flooded twice, i hate it. i counldn't get over the flooding even RX-8 has many good things on it, i don't wanna worry about the car can be started or not everytime before i turn the engine on.

did you get a kia or a dawoo. i hear they start real good.

why are you still here???? not enough action on the my kia started again today thread!!!!!


c41250n 12-26-2005 03:23 AM

im the new owner of the rx8, so what we are not to do or what to do to preventing the car to be flooded??

Krankor 12-26-2005 03:25 AM

It doesn't matter two shakes whether its a flaw in the car or not. You KNEW about it, and you chose to ignore the facts of reality, and you paid the price. I shouldn't have to pay the ridiculous taxes that I pay either, but I don't just stop paying them and assume that the universe will somehow rearrange itself to suit my whims. Whether the warm-up business is horrible or acceptible is irrelevant. I should be able to run my air-conditioner, microwave, and vacuum cleaner at the same time in my appartment. But I can't, the circuit breaker will blow. It sucks, but that's what it is, and if I choose to ignore that, I'm just a dumb-shit.

(a dumb-shit in the dark, actually)

swoope 12-26-2005 03:28 AM

if you have an 05, just read the owners manual. o wait that is all i did....

btw, how is your first post on this thread???????

i would think you would have a better ??? to ask with a new car and all.


allmotorRX8 12-26-2005 03:29 AM

Originally Posted by JunJTan
that's why i traded my RX-8 for a different car after i owned it for 10 months, even i lost alot money on the trade. because i got it flooded twice, i hate it. i counldn't get over the flooding even RX-8 has many good things on it, i don't wanna worry about the car can be started or not everytime before i turn the engine on.

im glad you sucked it up and traded it in, instead of bitching about it over and over again, more power to ya. hope you like your "new" ride.

Crazy Rx-8 Driver 12-26-2005 03:36 AM

let your car warm up 4-10 minutes. then drive.

never shut the car off if it is still COLD....meaning temp needle is still below or near COLD.

rev up 2-3K before shutting down will help burn off access fuel.

check your oil every other gas fill up....always have 1-2 Quarts of oil with you at all times. you never know when you might need to add some oil here and there.

umm.... i think that's all i can remember at this late of a time lol

c41250n 12-26-2005 04:39 AM

thank you very much!

btw....how often do i need an oil changed, and what else that i need to know to be a rx8 owner?

Deslock 12-26-2005 04:59 AM

Originally Posted by mantis32
I did make the fatal mistake of moving my car a short distance w/out waiting 10 minutes before shutting it off. But you know what. To pay this much for car, I shouldn't have to worry or deal with this.

I agree that people "shouldn't have to worry or deal with this" and that Mazda should come up with a solution for the rotary's cold-engine flood risk. However, that doesn't excuse owners from following the simple cold-engine shut-down procedure: rev to 3k RPM for 10 seconds before shutoff (You don't need to wait 10 minutes). I've moved mine several times without warming it up.

From your description of the events, it's your own fault. If you can't deal with the cold-engine shut-down procedure, get something else.

valpac 12-26-2005 06:36 AM

Flooding is not new to rotaries. My Dad had a RX-7 Turbo II that had fooding issues as well. So bad was it that someone had installed a fuel pump (electric) cutout switch that would prevent the engine from getting gas on startup that it really didnt need. Maybe someone will do something similar on the 8. Until then, I'll just follow the directions. If you dont flooding can AND will happen to you, too. I feel a little sorry for those that experience this (but only a little).

People who say this shouldnt happen on a modern car should just stick with their piston engined cars.:boring:

rotary9k 12-26-2005 09:46 AM

Its a known fact that you should warm up the 8 before shutting it down. If you disregard it, what can you expect? If warming up the car is so hard/annoying then maybe its time to get a different car. I have 24k+ miles on my 8 and haven't flooded once yet. How? Because I make sure the engine is warm. Now if you're still flooding with a warm engine, then I would sympathize if you flooded.

Sephiroth 12-26-2005 11:13 AM

Originally Posted by playdoh43
I understand that you really love your car and are willing to live with it and I applaude your car enthusiast spirit, however this is unacceptable on mazda's part. if youre willing to live with it and more power to you, but no one should have to deal with this in the first place?

nope, don't have the car yet. Have the finances, almost bought it, but some personal issues came up.

AFAIC, flooding should not be a problem for someone who is informed about it. Whether mazda should have solved the issue prior to production is a different matter, and i agree with you there. You know the consequences and yet you do it, then you start blaming the whole world for your ignorance. This is the issue here.

Cool-Blue-Dad 12-26-2005 11:17 AM

Originally Posted by c41250n
thank you very much!

btw....how often do i need an oil changed, and what else that i need to know to be a rx8 owner?

You need to know how to open your glovebox. It contains a small book about a Spanish RX-8 owner named Manuel. He had an interesting life and many good times with his car. Read it all.


Sendo 12-26-2005 02:36 PM

so how long should i leave my car engine on if i have to move it only a short distance, to prevent flooding..

Deslock 12-26-2005 03:26 PM

Originally Posted by Sendo
so how long should i leave my car engine on if i have to move it only a short distance, to prevent flooding..


Your question was already answered in this thread (and in many threads before it).

legokcen 12-26-2005 03:42 PM

Originally Posted by Sendo
so how long should i leave my car engine on if i have to move it only a short distance, to prevent flooding..

Til it gets up to temperature.

djseto 12-26-2005 04:03 PM

I moved my 8 from the driveway to the garage. All of about 30 feet and it was 30 degrees outside. I revved the engine to 7K and then cut her off. This morning, she cranked without the slightest hesitation.

amartin 12-26-2005 05:38 PM

Well, I don't think its a "defective" car... This is only the 3rd time in 2 years this has happened (abliet in the last 5+ years this is the only car I've ever "flooded" simply by turning it off, and it is the ONLY car I've not been able to "unflood").

And in reality, thats the problem-- not flooding. But the inability to UN(de?)flood this vehicle, at least trying to do so following Mazda's procedure.

As far as "selling" it because I bitch about it and nobody else has as many issues-- Now thats just silly. First, if Mazda would compensate me for providing a sub-standard vehicle so I could get out of the car w/out a substantial financial loss, I'd go for it ASAP.

As far as "nobody else has had issues like you"... Well, you must just be in a mood, because all my "issues" are the same ones that everyone else has: Gas Milage, Performance, Flooding, and build-quality issues.

Now, if you want to "censor" me from informing other potential buyers about the pitfalls of this vehicle, that's entirely your right as an admin of this board, heck, you could just delete all negative posts about the vehicle... but either way, it still wouldn't be right. The car does have problems, people deserve to know, and having paid TWENTY EIGHT THOUSAND dollars, I don't think I'm unreasonable in being vocal about the issues the car realisticly has.

Originally Posted by Elara
You know, you've now stated this about 100 times on here. You obviously got a defective car, since almost no one else has had as many issues as you have. Quite whining and sell the damn thing, since you hate it so much. I doubt ANYONE has sympathy for someone who continually bitches and moans but is too lazy to do anything about it.

spieder 12-26-2005 08:10 PM

Originally Posted by Sendo
so how long should i leave my car engine on if i have to move it only a short distance, to prevent flooding..

Na, you only need to leave your car on long enough for the rpms to drop below 1,000. You don't need to warm up the engine entirely. Dependign upon temp, it takes me about 2 minutes to drop below 1k rpm.

When the car is cold, the computer runs the mixture very rich. Your idle is high as a result. Once the rpms drop back down below 1,000 the car has heated up enough for the mixture to return to normal. That's all that is to it.

Elara 12-26-2005 08:10 PM

Originally Posted by amartin
Well, I don't think its a "defective" car... This is only the 3rd time in 2 years this has happened (abliet in the last 5+ years this is the only car I've ever "flooded" simply by turning it off, and it is the ONLY car I've not been able to "unflood").

And in reality, thats the problem-- not flooding. But the inability to UN(de?)flood this vehicle, at least trying to do so following Mazda's procedure.

As far as "selling" it because I bitch about it and nobody else has as many issues-- Now thats just silly. First, if Mazda would compensate me for providing a sub-standard vehicle so I could get out of the car w/out a substantial financial loss, I'd go for it ASAP.

As far as "nobody else has had issues like you"... Well, you must just be in a mood, because all my "issues" are the same ones that everyone else has: Gas Milage, Performance, Flooding, and build-quality issues.

Now, if you want to "censor" me from informing other potential buyers about the pitfalls of this vehicle, that's entirely your right as an admin of this board, heck, you could just delete all negative posts about the vehicle... but either way, it still wouldn't be right. The car does have problems, people deserve to know, and having paid TWENTY EIGHT THOUSAND dollars, I don't think I'm unreasonable in being vocal about the issues the car realisticly has.

If I wanted to censor you, I would have warned and banned you. But you have not broken any rules, so that would make me a bit of a hypocrite. However, as an owner of the car, I DO take issues with your repetitive complaining. YOUR car has had issues. This does not mean anyone else's car has had issues. Most of us have not had problems with any of the above(excpet perhaps mileage, and that just goes along with every other vehicle out there right now). Like any other problem, those WITH the problems are more vocal about it than those who don't. You, however, are more vocal and vituperative than most. And after a while, it starts getting old. You hate the car. Everyone knows. So, since cars are not an investment, as you've pointed out, you may as well just get rid of it and buy something you DO like and lose money on THAT instead. In the long run, you'll be a lot happier.

ddub 12-26-2005 08:28 PM

I don't even know how anyone is flooding their car. I bought my rx8 back in June (I think) of 05 with whatever flash that was. There have been a couple updates since then that I have not gotten. I have repeatedly TRIED to flood my car with no success. I will turn it on/off a couple times giving it only a few seconds, and sometimes a minute, in between shutdowns and it wont flood.

I've also moved my car in and out of the garage giving it less than a minute each time of idle/driving to do things, no flooding.

I think it's you :p:

JunJTan 12-27-2005 03:29 AM

Originally Posted by swoope
did you get a kia or a dawoo. i hear they start real good.

why are you still here???? not enough action on the my kia started again today thread!!!!!


I got an 06 350Z, although it's 2 seaters, but it still has good look and strong low end torgue though. you mean i can't be here because i sold my 8. that's sad.
by the way, i never drove a kia, i should try one just by what you describe it.

Deslock 12-27-2005 06:37 AM

amartin = drama queen

Originally Posted by amartin
all my "issues" are the same ones that everyone else has: Gas Milage, Performance, Flooding, and build-quality issues.

Wrong. I don't have any of those issues. As I did a little research before I bought the car, I knew exactly what kind of performance and gas mileage to expect.

Originally Posted by amartin
Now, if you want to "censor" me from informing other potential buyers about the pitfalls of this vehicle, that's entirely your right as an admin of this board, heck, you could just delete all negative posts about the vehicle... but either way, it still wouldn't be right. The car does have problems, people deserve to know, and having paid TWENTY EIGHT THOUSAND dollars, I don't think I'm unreasonable in being vocal about the issues the car realisticly has.

Why would they censor you? Most of your posts (in this threads and others) are nothing but rambling nonsense that provide the rest of us with amusement:

Originally Posted by amartin
Talk about a STUPID car.

I moved it YESTERDAY (its 80 degrees here) to get my motorcycle out... pulled it back in... went and fed my parents pets.


Bascially, the RX-8 is a piece of sh*t. I will soon be trading it in on something that won't strand me in the middle of no-where... I just thank God that I wasn't camping or somewhere that could have been more serious.

So you didn't follow the simple cold-engine shutdown procedure (that takes all of 10 seconds) and you trash the car. Another one of your constructive posts:

Originally Posted by amartin
Well.thats BS..it'll flood. Mine did on X-mas... The RX-8 is a piece of sh*t.

I wish to GOD I had never gotten this car.

And when you're not being a drama queen, you're spouting BS:

Originally Posted by amartin
In fact, stock vs. stock, the WRX handles better

Hell, even Ike retorted that one. More drama:

Originally Posted by amartin
I own one..and wish I didn't.

Performance sucks.
Horrible Gas milage.
numberous recalls

{snip - blah blah blah}


Animagix 12-27-2005 09:11 AM

my car had no problems starting up in 10 degree weather after it was parked for a week. all it took was a 5 minute warmup then i drove off. I too, live NY.

Tigster 12-27-2005 09:51 AM

Originally Posted by amartin
Well, I don't think its a "defective" car... This is only the 3rd time in 2 years this has happened (abliet in the last 5+ years this is the only car I've ever "flooded" simply by turning it off, and it is the ONLY car I've not been able to "unflood").

Of all the times you flooded the car did you shut off the car cold? I have had my car for 1 1/2 years and have never flooded it.

Originally Posted by amartin
And in reality, thats the problem-- not flooding. But the inability to UN(de?)flood this vehicle, at least trying to do so following Mazda's procedure.

You try to follow Mazda's unflooding procedure but dont pay attention to the "cold shutoff procedure"? That makes no sense, I hope the dealer charges you to deflood the car for owner stupidity.

Originally Posted by amartin
As far as "selling" it because I bitch about it and nobody else has as many issues-- Now thats just silly. First, if Mazda would compensate me for providing a sub-standard vehicle so I could get out of the car w/out a substantial financial loss, I'd go for it ASAP.

Did Mazda FORCE you to buy the car? I didnt think so, why should they pay you to get rid of it? It was your choice to buy it, there is lots of reviews and information on this car and what it needs to be maintained properly. You should start doing research before you buy.

Originally Posted by amartin
As far as "nobody else has had issues like you"... Well, you must just be in a mood, because all my "issues" are the same ones that everyone else has: Gas Milage, Performance, Flooding, and build-quality issues.

As for everyone having your issue I dont have any problems of what you list. My milage is 18 mpg +, performance is great this is not a drag racing car nor was it marketed to that, again I have never flooded my car, build issues I had none.

You seem to like to complain alot, just suck up the loss for trading in the car. Live and learn.

bascho 12-27-2005 10:26 AM

I always thought it strange that non-RX8 owners are members of an RX8 Club and participate in RX8 related threads. I can see past owners that were frequent thread posters staying involved in the forums based on relationships developed over the years.....but JunJTan, you have 11 posts!!! Why don't you go join a 350Z club instead?

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