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Magar 02-06-2004 10:35 PM

Tickets Anyone?

My first @#@@#!%$ ticket! Yikes....I should've known...but damn, coming out of that 45 mph corner was irresistible...country road, sunny day, tunes cranking, sunroof open! Who the heck does the Lane County think they are?!?!

Anyone else get nabbed....?

Okay...it was 72 in a 55...yeah, yeah....but what ever happened to Rule of the Day?


Be careful out there!

RX-GR8 02-06-2004 10:54 PM

sorry to hear it. no tix here yet.

Jeff_pap31s 02-06-2004 10:57 PM

Bummer dude! Haven't had a tic in 9 years! Knock on wood!

Sin 02-06-2004 11:14 PM

Got one yesterday for 67 in a 40 comin off the freeway. Grapevine cops are pretty bad and he was on a bike so I didnt even have a chance to get out of it even if I tried. It had been nearly a year since my last one....DAMN

winebrad 02-06-2004 11:23 PM

I have managed to elude any tickets and have not even been pulled over for at least 10 years, that is until I purchased my 8! In the past month I have been followed by several CHP's and last week after working late I was pulled over in the small town of Sonoma but when the officer saw that I was not a 20 something but rather a 40 something he gave me a warning and then complemented me on my car. Now I am parinoid and trying to get used to that stupid digital speedometer!

Haze 02-06-2004 11:35 PM

Originally posted by Jeff_pap31s
Bummer dude! Haven't had a tic in 9 years! Knock on wood!
It's been ten years for me (double knock wood), and I needed every one of those ten years to clear the points on my license from the previous two cars.

Magar 02-06-2004 11:39 PM

10 years
Yeah...it must be the 10 curse...it's been just over 10 years since I got a ticket...first a red Miata, now a red 8...ya think 10 years would've helped me learnt something....damn publik edumacation!

Haze 02-06-2004 11:48 PM

Hey man, what are you trying to do, curse me? I'm goin' to go out for a long run tomorrow down to Maryland.

I am really hoping to avoid the whole ticket thing for a while more. I like the not so expensive insurance, and not having to be yelled at by cops, although the grey hairs and balding head do help. "Yes, officer, I'm just an old guy who can't see the gauges so well any more. I would never mean to go too fast and of course I'll slow down." Did get me out of one illegal U turn ticket about four years back. I love being old.

winebrad 02-06-2004 11:56 PM

I did have one thing going for me when I was pulled over and that was the paper plates as I just explained that I just bought the car and am still trying to get used to it! Sometimes just being nice and playing dumb works to ones advantage!

D MENAC 7 02-07-2004 12:03 AM

winebrad: "Now I am parinoid and trying to get used to that stupid digital speedometer!"

WTF! How can anyone not like the digital speedometer? It's like IMMEDIATE feedback as to your speed! When you look at an analog one, you have to analyze where the little hand is pointing to.

I'm like two friggin' years older than you, dude, and I have had absolutely no problewms from day one looking at a digital spedo. Hell, I PREFER a digital spedometer. It must be all of the racing PC and console games I have played over the years or something because they ALL had digital spedos. I am just plain tired of hearing anyone bitch about the digital spedometer. That is absolutely no excuse! winebrad, maybe you should change your handle to whinebrad?

Hell, I could even handle an LED multi colored meter for a tach, now that would be nice. Starts out green but changes to yellow then to red for the red line!

What is wrong with digital or non analog read outs? Is this an AGE thing? (Maybe I'm an exception?)

D MENAC 7 02-07-2004 12:05 AM

Oh yeah, no tickets as of this writing. One of our campus cops at work did offer to set up a radar on a nice long stretch of a road nearby to see how fast I could get it up to. Thought he was joking but he wasn't. I told him maybe sometime when it gets warm just to check out the accuracy of my DIGITAL spedometer. :)

Squidward 02-07-2004 02:58 AM


Total damage = $406.. 341 for ticket, 40 for traffic school, and 25 for online class fee. :(

Speed-ER doc 02-07-2004 03:46 AM

Originally posted by Squidward
Total damage = $406.. 341 for ticket, 40 for traffic school, and 25 for online class fee. :(
Harsh. You had to pay the ticket AND traffic school? Was the traffic school mandated because of the high speed (over 30+)?

In Texas, if the ticket is not 25+ or more over the limit, we can take traffic school (we call it defensive driving) to get out of paying the ticket and it doesn't appear on our record. And why did they call it bail? Were you arrested? More details please.

93rdcurrent 02-07-2004 04:24 AM

In CA. they call the fine bail. Go figure. Why aren't you guys asking about radar detectors? Escort has a new one that is built in and has a laser shifter front and rear... ooooohhhh... It's about $750 installed but when you consider the $50-250 for the ticket and the extra $25-50/month for the insurance for 3 years, well it just starts to sound a little better.

Squidward 02-07-2004 04:25 AM

Living in CA has its advantages and disadvantages.. One of them being our traffic and parking tickets.. they're designed to collect money. I'll pay for the ticket and online traffic school, and do an online 30-minute review and "quiz". VERY easy. Minimal overhead, maximum revenue. And for parking tickets, private sector (Lockheed Martin) handles all legal and administrative fees, and splits the net revenue from the tickets with the city of L.A. Nice setup, eh? See this link.

Anyway, what I got was nothing special, just a speeding ticket.. your everyday, typical traffic infraction..

In CA, you have two choices, fight the ticket, or pay the fine. If you fight, you give up your chance to attend traffic school to avoid getting a point added to your DMV record. If you do attend traffic school, you have to pay an administrative fee of $40 and the class fee of $25 - $50 (varies from school to school), ON TOP of your "bail" amount (fine).

For your curiosity, this is what a CA ticket looks like in the back:

Speed-ER doc 02-07-2004 04:35 AM

Thanks for the update. Does your insurance only go up as you get points, or do they not find out about it if there are no points?

Never mind, I think I understand it does go away with traffic school after reading the ticket back.

Here, the reason to take defensive driving is to avoid the insurance hit. We can take it every year to remove a ticket. Insurance rate also goes down if you take the class.

We also have deferred adjudication, where you pay a fee (bribe) to the court so that if you don't get another moving violation within 3 months, the ticket disappears. My favorite!

93rdcurrent 02-07-2004 04:40 AM

I enjoyed that privelage in CA. but here in WA. we get no such break. We can pay the fine and it won't go on our record if we don't get another ticket in 3 years... who can go without for 3 years?!? If you get another ticket then you have to deal with both going on your record at once. It's a conspiracy I tell ya.

Squidward 02-07-2004 04:49 AM

LOL that's jacked, man...
I guess that's one good way to keep people from getting tickets..

get two at a time heheh

RX-8 friend 02-07-2004 05:25 PM

Often, radar detectors will not help. I have a Valentine 1, but here they use "instant on" radar. If I'm going faster than I should, there's no traffic. If there's no traffic you get no warning of instant on radar (you see them checking other vehicles ahead of you). I have an Amateur radio in my car and monitor police activity so I have -some- idea where they are working. That and the V1 have saved me about 5 tickets in the last two years.

I see Lockheed Martin has really diversified. They also do the "photo radar" that many jurestictions use. My V1 also picks it up :).

"But your honor, no-one can drive an RX-7/8 at the speed limit. It's obviously Mazda's fault." ;)

Monique 02-07-2004 07:26 PM

aww that sucks.
i have an escort cordless solo s2 that my hubby bought me for xmas (haven't been pulled over yet, knock on wood). radar det's can give us a false sense of security tho.
i usually know where the speed traps are but ive gotten stopped anyway. coast looked clear but looks ARE deceiving! anyway it was the day i got my 8 and he let me go (there r some cool ones out there). the next time i get stopped i plan on changing my display from "mph" to "km" and will play "dumb blonde" by pretending i dont know how to get it back to "mph" hehe hopefully it'll work since there's no actual needle. i'll tell him i was just on my way to the dealership to ask how to change it back. plan B: call my cop friend to get it fixed like those in my past!

rx8gator 02-08-2004 12:18 AM

I see this thread has mostly Velocity Red 8's. Mine is too. They say red is the most ticketed color, stands out or something. None yet in mine, but being careful. BTW, Monique, VELOCITY, not VILOCITY.

ranger4277 02-08-2004 01:08 AM

Anybody ever hear of the 1 cent rule? Overpay your ticket by one cent (any amount over works) and the county/state/whatever will try and refund your overpayment... just tear up the check and ignore it. The point is that insurance can't be notified until the transaction is complete, so as long as you don't accept the refund, theoretically insurance never finds out!

I've heard first hand accounts of this working, but never had to try it myself. :)

Mr Tate 02-08-2004 02:06 AM

I test drove the rx8 today.......and got an f'in ticket!!!!!!
what the hell is that all about? the damn a hole wouldn't let me off. 71 in a 50....are you kidding me?

Squidward 02-08-2004 04:06 AM

Originally posted by ranger4277
Anybody ever hear of the 1 cent rule? Overpay your ticket by one cent (any amount over works) and the county/state/whatever will try and refund your overpayment... just tear up the check and ignore it. The point is that insurance can't be notified until the transaction is complete, so as long as you don't accept the refund, theoretically insurance never finds out!

I've heard first hand accounts of this working, but never had to try it myself. :)

yes, I've heard of it, and it is a common urban legend.

the reality is if you overpay you get a refund, and if you don't cash it within 90 days, the refund stays with the court..
if you underpay, your case remains open and, if you don't settle up, eventually a warrant will be issued for your arrest.

Speed-ER doc 02-08-2004 04:50 AM

Originally posted by Mr Tate
I test drove the rx8 today.......and got an f'in ticket!!!!!!
what the hell is that all about? the damn a hole wouldn't let me off. 71 in a 50....are you kidding me?

That's his job.

jniamehr 02-08-2004 02:47 PM

ranger4277, I almost really would like to try that... Im lucky an employee of my fathers, is a retired detective and works for the dept of treasurey part time. He gives me those cards, they help you get out of it 7 out of 10 times (it works for my dad all the time) and also gave me the sticker... Im working on getting a badge...

Magar 02-12-2004 10:47 PM

Happy Times
All I can say is I'm glad I'm not the only one. No school...just money and Insurance...maybe..

nf9648 02-13-2004 06:14 AM

Hope I can keep the tickets away, cops outside fort hood are very anal, esp. with military guys, and the fact Im 22 doesnt help either.

stangmatt66 02-13-2004 11:33 AM

Got my first one in the RX. I'm good for a speeding ticket every 18 months or so...kinda funny...

I was doing 60 on a 3 lane road in Buena Park, CA that is marked 35mph, yet everyone drives 55+ (Beach Blvd.) I guess the cop just wanted to stop the hot guy in a kick a$$ sports car...

Bail + Traffic school free = $225 and a day wasted sitting in court, Orange County doesn't offer online traffic school :(

DisneyDestroyer 02-13-2004 01:53 PM

I've learned waaaaaaay too much about tickets. 9 tickets in 10 years driving (only 3 went on my record, only 1 still there). Let's see if I can remember them all:
* Speeding on the way to the ACH (now SAT-II). Got perfect 800 on the math portion after that, I guess I should speed more often. Was a minor. SEARS traffic school (boring).
* Speeding on the way back to college from Big Bear at two in the morning. Was actually overtaking an officer, but he "allowed" me to take a regular ticket instead. Comedy traffic school (not that funny)
* Speeding on the way home from work (was actually unsafe lane change, but since he was going 95 and I was going 70 he only gave me the speeding part). Comedy traffic school.
* Running a stop sign. Online traffic school.
* Speeding on the way up to LA. Comedy traffic school.
* Speeding on the way to Phoenix. Took the point.
* 101 on the way to Vegas. It's a San Bernardino county racket - they ticket you for 101 which the night judge can't waive, then when you go for your day in court the day judge offers you max fine + 1 point instead of 2 points, so I got a point here.
* Lane change in the wrong location (after the "right lane must exit sign" ARGH). Requested traffic school, was given "level two traffic school for repeat offenders" a 16-hour, two-day course.

Well, remembering 8 isn't too bad.

Originally posted by stangmatt66
Orange County doesn't offer online traffic school :(
They don't have a choice. When you get the approved list, you can ask for the state-approved list instead of the county-approved list. They need to provide it to you, and must also accept anything on that list - including a bunch of online traffic schools.


For most people and most tickets, you get a letter telling you that you can choose to convert the fine into forfeited bail and attend traffic school (for which you pay an additional processing fee, plus the traffic school fee).

If you choose to fight the ticket, you can write a letter requesting adjudication-by-mail. You send in your account (I would recommend saying nothing besides "I did not do it") and if the cop doesn't send in his, you win. If the cop sends in his account, a judge reads both letters and decides (against you, almost 100% no matter what you say in your letter). If that happens, you can then go before a judge in person and demand a second trial. You go to that trial and hope the cop doesn't show up or threw out his notes after your letter, in which case you win.

At any time when you appear in person you can request traffic school, and the judge can choose to allow you to go, even if you're not technically eligible. I know some people who have gone to traffic school 3-4 times in a single year, it's supposed to be max once every 18 months.

If you're really good (or have the right info) you can actually fight the ticket. I got a ton of great information from http://www.tipmra.com it was worth the money.

Any other Cali ticket questions you can ask me - I'm practically a professional now as it is.

Squidward 02-14-2004 02:44 AM

that tipmra site is really interesting, but i'd be a little nervous doing all that... weren't you?

xocsida 02-29-2004 07:05 PM

OK all of you, fess up!
Who's gotten a speeding ticket since they've picked up their RX-8?


Trx8 02-29-2004 07:14 PM

There is a similar thread here:
RX-8 Forum > General Topics > RX-8 Discussion > Tickets Anyone?

Rotary Titus 02-29-2004 07:14 PM

got a ticket doing 90mph on a 70mph highway in washington state (see my thread in NW section of this forum for the run around washington state police gave me).
which city are you in forever young??? he pulled you over for doing 57?! AND he SWORE at you???? AND he left afterwards???

zoom44 02-29-2004 07:16 PM

hahaha Trx8 swoops in for the kill! i thought i was the only one around here doing that.;)

no tickets here.

jniamehr 02-29-2004 08:10 PM

Ive had my car for about three days now (wooohooo!!) and the only run in I have had with a cop was for him to ask me to move in front of him so he could see the back of my car, and then he proceeded to tell me that i have a nice car over his loudspeaker.... me and my friend were dying of laughter.

Rotarian_SC 02-29-2004 09:13 PM

I would b cracking up as well. The only thing that happened to me is that a cop flashed his lights at my car, and I wasn't speeding at the time.

Texas 8 02-29-2004 09:15 PM

Only a month and none yet. Notice, "yet" is the key word :)

Monique 02-29-2004 09:19 PM

i was pulled over the day i got mine, but he let me go! hehe
yes, touching wood!

youngpit 02-29-2004 09:43 PM

ya got stopped for 92 in 65 and 5% tint but he ket me go guess why???? :)

Chevy 02-29-2004 09:47 PM

I have 2 warnings and 1 ticket.

1 Warning was in my 8 and was failure to yield, The officer told me I had to stop at the yield sing for 3 seconds, Gave me warning because I told him I would fight it and tell the judge he was harassing me because he was. He also told me 25 in the 25 was a little fast for the conditions, was a dry road with in little 5 inch ice spot.

Warning 2 was in my truck The officers weren't inpressed by the exhaust pipes with the engine runing at 5,500 RPM, Earlier the day the same officers pulled my firend over and ask me to get out of the vehicle because I looked like someone that were looking for.

The Ticket was also in my truck I made a U-Turn in main street and some idiot wasn't watching the road (They were watching the football game instead of the road) so the guy hit me. Was cited for Failure to Yeild.

Everyone in this town has a failure to yield ticket to their name. If you ever go through kemmerer, wyoming follow the traffic laws very closely, ecspecially if you have out of state plates.

Rotarian_SC 02-29-2004 09:50 PM

cause u r a cop

how does that work, do u just like show him your badge and the cop goes, well i'll let you off this time?

bubble 02-29-2004 11:54 PM

I get DWYs all the time.

Rotary Titus 03-01-2004 11:07 AM

Originally posted by Rotarian_SC
cause u r a cop

how does that work, do u just like show him your badge and the cop goes, well i'll let you off this time?

you put your licence in a place where you have to dig out next to your badge wallet :p
but I never do that cause different agencies have different attitudes towards "professional courtesy"

DisneyDestroyer 03-01-2004 12:40 PM

Originally posted by Squidward
that tipmra site is really interesting, but i'd be a little nervous doing all that... weren't you?
Yeah a bit, but as long as you have the conviction and bring along all the paperwork to back you up, it works out fine.

livitup 03-01-2004 12:59 PM

Originally posted by Rotary Titus
you put your licence in a place where you have to dig out next to your badge wallet :p
but I never do that cause different agencies have different attitudes towards "professional courtesy"

The one time I was pulled over while I was on the job (I'm no longer an officer) I was on a road trip. I had packed a number of my department's shoulder patches in my glove box. When I got pulled over I opened my glove box to "get out my registration" and there was a half dozen patches in the way. I asked the cop who pulled me over if he traded patches and he asked me if I was on the job. I forget who gave me that tip but it's an excellent way to break the ice without flashing your badge and demanding professional courtesy.

Of course there was the time I pulled over what ended up being a secret service officer. He was holding his badge out the window before I even exited my car. :)


mikeb 03-01-2004 03:45 PM

7 months later and NO tickets for me

If I get one my insurance company will probably take my first born

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