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TopGear8 10-07-2008 01:00 PM

Ha he thought you were going to party in Emerald isle? HAHA!! I was there 2 years ago and there are no parties going on there at all. Myrtle and Cherry Grove are the places to party.

smokedRX8 10-08-2008 02:53 PM

Originally Posted by topgear8 (Post 2672525)
Ha he thought you were going to party in Emerald isle? HAHA!! I was there 2 years ago and there are no parties going on there at all. Myrtle and Cherry Grove are the places to party.

I know. I laughed to myself. You know just as well as I do that only state troopers looking for something to do will pull in NC. I thought you might find this story pretty interesting after i consulted you about the 20%. lol.

TopGear8 10-08-2008 11:21 PM

Yeah man sorry to hear about the ticket. Mine is like 26% right now and I have never had a problem with it. and i've been all over NC.

cornholio135 10-09-2008 01:51 PM

He pulled you over because of your car... Aholes. I have like 25% TINT and it is the mirrored type. I was travelling on a divided highway here in TX and a State Trooper passed me in the opposite direction. I was not speeding but i saw him dive into the grass median and whup around with his lights on. I knew he was going to harrass me about the tint. As soon as he got out of his cruiser he already had his tint meter in his hand. " I am going to have to check your tint sir". to myself "Whatever". came up as 23%. he then went back to his cruiser to check for warrants, came back and gave me a warning.

Then in Converse were I live, a local cop pulled me over in front of the ploice station. did not even ask for License/Insurance, checked my tint and told me it is not enough out of spec to waste his time.

before I had my 8 I drove an Eclipse GT with 20% tint all around. A San Antonio cop pulled me over for speeding, then metered the tint. wrote me a ticket for both and told me "You better remove your tint before coming to court or the Judge will increase your fine from the bench" again "Whatever" I took it to an Attorney who went to court for me, had the tint ticket thrown out, and the speeding reduced to defered judication for 90 days. cost me about $150.

Cops go for the nice cars, I agree they seem jealous...

jones75254 10-09-2008 02:51 PM

At least contest the ticket and go before the Judge/Pros at the intitial hearing. They will do anything to get ur ass out of there and not waste their time with an actual court trial. Just say something like "sir i was told by the tint shop that is was legal, is there any way i can get the fine reduced?" They WILL reduce it. I have done this for 2 speeding tickets and one tint ticket. I was guilty as sin on ALL accounts but gave some lame excuse like that asking for a cost reduction and they abliged on all of them. Reduction might be $50, it might be $150 (depends on initial amount), but at least its something, right? Better than paying the full amount which u would had to have paid anyways. Damn ball breakers

smokedRX8 10-10-2008 11:29 AM

Ya. I'm most likely going to get the tint taken off before the date, and if i do that they said the ticket would be dropped. No fines or anything. Then I'll probably just put 35% back on.

RotaryResurrection 10-10-2008 11:36 PM

I have beat more than one window tint ticket with a spare set of side windows and hatch glass (rx7). Takes about 45 minutes to swap the 3 out on an FC, drive to the police station to get the ticket dropped, drive back home and swap again.

Oh, one time when I had several rx7s on hand (I used to fix and resell them) I took a different rx7 that didnt have tint and got it dropped. And it was a different color than the one I had been ticketed in. It wasnt the same cop that pulled me over that did the inspection so it didnt matter, plus it had been 3 or 4 weeks so he probably would not have remembered anyway.

ON the rx8 I would just pay the ticket and go on...probably still less trouble than getting tint stripped and redone lighter. Remember you usually have to pay labor to strip the old tint PLUS the standard charge for new tint, which usually comes out closer to 175-200.

kersh4w 10-11-2008 01:09 AM

Originally Posted by RotaryResurrection (Post 2677970)
I have beat more than one window tint ticket with a spare set of side windows and hatch glass (rx7). Takes about 45 minutes to swap the 3 out on an FC, drive to the police station to get the ticket dropped, drive back home and swap again.

owned. :lol: :lol:

smokedRX8 10-11-2008 04:56 PM


ON the rx8 I would just pay the ticket and go on...probably still less trouble than getting tint stripped and redone lighter. Remember you usually have to pay labor to strip the old tint PLUS the standard charge for new tint, which usually comes out closer to 175-200.[/QUOTE]

Ya man, I thought about doing that, but in NC it is a misdemeanor to just pay the ticket because you are disreguarding your citation for something that is against the law. Im young and I don't want any misdemeanors on my record...yet. haha.

Plus, the guy who does my tints for me is a good friend of mine. he's going to take the tint off for free and put it back on for 100. and trust me, he's the best in this area.

rx8speeddmon 10-13-2008 12:50 AM

NC troopers are a bunch of asses!

mmats69 10-13-2008 03:58 AM

I feel your pain man. I had a black probe back in the day with 35% all around. Tint was legal but I got pulled over for it 4 different times.

just get the tint redone and be finished with it. Illegal tint tickets are way too easy for a cop to write. It will happen again and again if you don't get it legal.

greg985 10-13-2008 07:44 AM

Idk about the law in NC, but in LA its easy. Illegal tint is a non-moving violation. Which means that you can not be pulled over just for tint. The cop has to have a reason to pull you over and then can go for illegal tint. But here most cop are so stupid that they dont even know the law. So if a cop pulls you over for tint happily take the ticket. Then go to court to appeal the ticket. Ask why you were pulled over. When they say for tint, proceed to p0wn them at there own game. Walk out of the court house back to your illegally tinted car and be on your marry way. I have gotten 2 tint tickets thrown out this way. :)

RotaryResurrection 10-13-2008 01:34 PM

here they are *not supposed to*, but they do it anyway, and the court system backs them up. Well, such things actually do not go to court, they go to a classroom in the city center building where a "judge" sits at the teachers desk and calls people forward, and takes their money. IF they want to argue, they argue to a small extent until the judge tells them they are still guilty and then takes their money anyway.

rddragoness 10-13-2008 01:51 PM

Originally Posted by 8 Maniac (Post 2670386)
either you misread, or you're making a somewhat off topic comment... rather sure he didnt tint his windshield... and for side windows... some people say they can see fine, others can't. I personally wouldn't go that dark I dont think, but if they can see well enough, then oh well.

They make a full windshield tint that is legal for cars now. It was developed for airplanes to further protect pilots and cool the cockpits. Once I decide Exactly what I want to do with the front of my car, I'll be getting it. I NEED it....I'm Scotch/Irish and blue eyed. 10 minutes on a beach and I'm toast, with or w/o sunscreen, and my eyes.....don't even get me started on that. My problem is my vision is too perfect...:icon_no2:

OP replace the tint with 35%....The court can't tell you that you cant have it..just how dark it is...and even 35% looks awesome on black..

Mazurfer 10-13-2008 01:53 PM


kvndoom 10-13-2008 02:09 PM

Originally Posted by greg985 (Post 2680177)
Walk out of the court house back to your illegally tinted car and be on your marry way.

...which will then have a ticket on it since it was parked. :lol:

greg985 10-13-2008 02:37 PM

Originally Posted by RotaryResurrection (Post 2680613)
here they are *not supposed to*, but they do it anyway, and the court system backs them up. Well, such things actually do not go to court, they go to a classroom in the city center building where a "judge" sits at the teachers desk and calls people forward, and takes their money. IF they want to argue, they argue to a small extent until the judge tells them they are still guilty and then takes their money anyway.

you must live in a small town

greg985 10-13-2008 02:41 PM

Originally Posted by kvndoom (Post 2680664)
...which will then have a ticket on it since it was parked. :lol:

nope they cant do that :lol:

Davey's RX-8 10-13-2008 02:47 PM

Originally Posted by greg985 (Post 2680696)
you must live in a small town

or the State of California.

In all seriousness, most lower level judges either don't know the law or don't care. In traffic cases, there usually isn't a prosecutor and the judge sort of fills that role even though they shouldn't.

tunerwannab 10-13-2008 05:12 PM

Originally Posted by Mazurfer (Post 2680645)

Nice link! My state says 70% sides and 50% on the rear.:lol:

rx8speeddmon 10-13-2008 09:55 PM

Damn, Indiana is 30%. I thought all this time it was 35, thanks for the link.

Mazurfer 10-13-2008 10:23 PM

Just remember, there is no guarantee on that site but it's probably accurate. You should probably still check with the states DMV to make sure. Google your state and DMV or vehicle equipment laws will work.

nycgps 10-13-2008 11:27 PM

Originally Posted by RotaryResurrection (Post 2677970)
I have beat more than one window tint ticket with a spare set of side windows and hatch glass (rx7). Takes about 45 minutes to swap the 3 out on an FC, drive to the police station to get the ticket dropped, drive back home and swap again.

Oh, one time when I had several rx7s on hand (I used to fix and resell them) I took a different rx7 that didnt have tint and got it dropped. And it was a different color than the one I had been ticketed in. It wasnt the same cop that pulled me over that did the inspection so it didnt matter, plus it had been 3 or 4 weeks so he probably would not have remembered anyway.

ON the rx8 I would just pay the ticket and go on...probably still less trouble than getting tint stripped and redone lighter. Remember you usually have to pay labor to strip the old tint PLUS the standard charge for new tint, which usually comes out closer to 175-200.

I wonder if I should do that

Get some used side window, and just swap it out whenever I get a ticket to drop the thing.

I already paid like almost 160 bux in total (2 tickets) might as well add a couple more hundred for the spare window. I would rather give my money to other people than those fat donut eating motherfuckers.

RotaryResurrection 10-14-2008 12:49 AM

side windows you could do very easily in well under an hour, but the back window is permanent unlike an rx7 hatch, so if you get a ticket for the sides then it would also apply to the rear and the inspecting officer would see the rear and fail you on that basis.

RotaryResurrection 10-14-2008 12:55 AM

Originally Posted by greg985 (Post 2680696)
you must live in a small town

medium/small, about 50k people or so, but one of the higher per capita police forces in this half of the country (I think at last count my local city/county had a total of like 82 officers). All of the other local jurisdictions conduct traffic court and small infractions in the same manner.

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